(Someone from TX today called me "Little Lady." Ah, how cute it was! And the boards have missed their refreshing helping of Kool Aid these past 2/3 weeks)
(LOL!!! Oh how I love your insecty commentary! It's going up on roachie's myspace, either on the front page, or somewhere in a blog, or both! So philosophical and deep! )
(lol, it's a cat in one of the Harry Potter books. Lightamatch4me is a secret poet and you are a secret philosopher. Secret because each of you doesn't realize that hidden talent you posses.)
... my nickname originating in my childhood for this beach with tons of ducks.
Donald Duck's apartment
bachelor pad
(how did the physics test go?)
...(umm it was ok, didn't really know how to do one question on projectile motion...)
(physics is EVIL! It causes me to make projectile vomit, ok maybe not. But I hates the physics)
(awww i got the bonnie reveference... I need to go and listen to that song right now.)
(sorry, tonetoile, to bring your irrational fear. And hi Oknow!)
(why hello Tempe AZ!!! i missed these boards the past 2/3 weeks!)
(Someone from TX today called me "Little Lady." Ah, how cute it was!
And the boards have missed their refreshing helping of Kool Aid these past 2/3 weeks)
(wow! now aren't TX people nice? I love your siggie and I love Timmy and his colorful clothes!)
(LOL!!! Oh how I love your insecty commentary! It's going up on roachie's myspace, either on the front page, or somewhere in a blog, or both! So philosophical and deep!
(lol I really don't have anything to say. I just like pestering people sometimes until they fall over the edge... not really but okay.)
(lol, it's a cat in one of the Harry Potter books. Lightamatch4me is a secret poet and you are a secret philosopher. Secret because each of you doesn't realize that hidden talent you posses.)