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Word association



  • umm... shoes...

    [YOU CAN NOT WEAR CANVAS SHOES TO SCHOOL!! IT IS A SAFETY HAZARD!! (teacher screaming at kids)]
  • boots

    lemme guess, you've got to have leather shoes, right? I got that same lecture just yesterday. It's so silly, i mean, what about the vegans and people who can't afford to buy leather? Just let us wear the Chucks!
  • gumboots...

    yeah, we have to wear leather shoes... doesn't effect me because i don't wear them or even own a pair... but i've heard teachers recite that so many times! ...doesn't stop people from wearing them... laugh.gif
  • Kookaburra

    (I know it's gumdrops, but that's what it made me think of)

    That's a dumb rule. Safety hazard? What do you guys do at this school? I can see it if you were like, working in a kitchen with knives and stuff. Or in a shop with hammers and sharp stuff, but at school??? What are you going to do to your feet at school?? I guess you could drop a book on them, but that's going to hurt with leather shoes too. La-hame!!!
  • cheesecake!!

    (i really want some sad.gif )
  • haha <3

  • Um

    little mj?

  • Emma
    [the novel, i'm in no way insulting anyone who goes by the name emma!]

    That's a dumb rule. Safety hazard? What do you guys do at this school? I can see it if you were like, working in a kitchen with knives and stuff. Or in a shop with hammers and sharp stuff, but at school??? What are you going to do to your feet at school?? I guess you could drop a book on them, but that's going to hurt with leather shoes too. La-hame!!!

    Well, at my school we do work in kitchens with knives and in the woodwork rooms with hammers etc. but apparently the main issues are that non-leather shoes don't provide enough support and they look dodgy laugh.gif
    From what I know (and yes most of this knowledge comes from movies) US schools don't generally have uniforms so it's understandable that you can wear whatever shoes you like and as far as I am aware, there is no school in Australia that allows students to wear mufti all year round.
    So, leather shoes are just part of the uniform I guess.
    Haha, how pointless was that?!
  • umm... boring...

    i remember my sister had to read that for school last year... and she tortured me by readibg like 2 whole chapters out loud to me... i know the smart thing would have been to walk away.. but the chair i was sitting in was comfortable... actually, i think she did it on more than one circumstance... but with different books... snow falling on cedars... seems like a really weird book...

    and on the shoe issue... we have to wear them because we do cooking, metal, timber... and stuff... and supposively it's dangerous without them... also we have to wear them in science because of the chemials... i don't get it... maybe someone got their toe cut off or something..?? ...but even the senior years who son't do any of those subjects [ok, maybe science..] have to wear them too.. maybe they're trying to make our school uniform look better... but no one really pays attention [we're supposed to wear either black or white leather shoes... no one does..] to this rule anyway...
  • omg omg
    sexy stalking!! ahhh!!! omg, and for bands that are working on new music!!! hehehehehehe!!!

    wub.gifam i a prisoner to insticts?wub.gif
  • hahahahahaha wub.gif

    [the] STROKES

  • wub.gif awwwwww!!! wub.gif

    cleaning buses
  • wub.gif "cleaning" buses

    haha, it is a different thing laugh.gif

  • hahahahhah, <3

    umm, ambie's record label!!
  • hahaha! wub.gif

    french maid outfits!

    (that would be the uniform for all bus "cleaners" at her label. sexy)
  • ^^
    hehe, super sexy!!

    ummm, nikolai (cuz he's french <3 )
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