In this Discussion

John Lennon Anyone?

edited November -1 in General Discussion
I think most of you can agree with me when I say John Lennon was one of the best musicians of all time. The 24th anniversary of his death was just a couple of days ago, and sadly, he is slowly being forgotten. I think this is a tragedy, and I want to do everything I can to stop this from happening. If you agree with me, please go here and sign this petition that will help make October 9th, his birthday, a national holiday. I think this petition is a great idea and it won't hurt you just to sign it. thanks.


  • Everyone is slowly forgotten. It's sad, but not as sad as remembering some people and forgetting others just because they weren't famoous.
  • i agree with the above.
    and even if john lennon was one of the best musicians of the century, if not of all time, i don't think that it's really in line to make his birthday a national holiday. the only people who get national holidays are people like martin luther king and lincoln and washington... i just don't see john lennon as fitting in with that crowd. good music is nice, but it doesn't have much to do with ending strife and founding countries.
  • Beautifully put, fishy!
  • The ex-guitarist of Pantera was murdered on Lennon's 24th anniversary at a show in Columbus, Ohio along with a couple fans. It's really sad.
  • QUOTE (QueenofthePosers @ Dec 12 2004, 07:13 PM)
    The ex-guitarist of Pantera was murdered on Lennon's 24th anniversary at a show in Columbus, Ohio along with a couple fans. It's really sad.

    Yeah i heard about that. Being gunned down on stage, what a way to go. crazy.
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