I think most of you can agree with me when I say John Lennon was one of the best musicians of all time. The 24th anniversary of his death was just a couple of days ago, and sadly, he is slowly being forgotten. I think this is a tragedy, and I want to do everything I can to stop this from happening. If you agree with me, please
go here and sign this petition that will help make October 9th, his birthday, a national holiday. I think this petition is a great idea and it won't hurt you just to sign it. thanks.
and even if john lennon was one of the best musicians of the century, if not of all time, i don't think that it's really in line to make his birthday a national holiday. the only people who get national holidays are people like martin luther king and lincoln and washington... i just don't see john lennon as fitting in with that crowd. good music is nice, but it doesn't have much to do with ending strife and founding countries.
Yeah i heard about that. Being gunned down on stage, what a way to go. crazy.