i find it hilarious how celebrities SMILE in their mug shots.
kimora lee simons(russel simons wife and baby phat lady)
matthew mcconaghey
and umm..hehe...not looking so hot now are u, yasmeen
okay, and billy joe is totallly showing hsi age here:
its a good thing hes always wearing eyeliner! ugh.
JESUS was arrested?!?!?
and PACEY too!!! oh god, it seems like im the only on in the world left that hasnt been arrested.
doesnt billy joe look like youd find him in a long johns silver in that picture? haha. ew.
my friends were over and their video came on, and im liike "AH SO HOT" and they just ewwed at me. but they also go for kids younger than them. so eff that.
ANd Kimora Lee Simons is pretty like whoa.
at work
dude, i know! anybody that can look pretty in their MUG SHOT is like...insane. and should be killed because she makes us all look like shit.
and billy joe....i think hes the hottest thing ever. hes like 30-something and a father but he is hot.
you know how easy it would be to memorize who was on what card, and then listen to people talk about the people? oh man. so easy.
but my favorite is the one of frank sinatra who was arrested for adultery (in like the 20s.. totally awesome)
I just had this vision of like, Damian standing there being all !beautifulbeautiful! around some fangirls and Dan coming out of nowhere and like jump tackling him to the ground....
Or maybe a footie fight?
Visions of Damian laying on the ground wearing his animals shirt and blue pants while furiously kicking and slapping......and making a scrunched-up-nose face.....