In this Discussion

The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • no.

    have you ever chicken?
  • ive beef, not chicken

    have you ever smelt it?
  • i've cut a cadaver head in half

    isn't that a lot worse?
  • a chicken is alot worse

    have you ever j;ding?
  • im not so sure...

    have you ever drank sewage?
  • have you? and if so wwwhyyy??
  • once when i was in nam.
    on a dare

    have you ever posted on a forum?
    you are soooo crazy for doin that
  • um... no, never

    have you?
  • pfft. forums are for fags
    paper baaags.

    have you ever had a sore throat that lasted like a whole week?
  • Yeah... totally

    Have you ever hit on a guy at work (details please... I'm in a bit of a conundrum)
  • no, im a boy, that would be awkward

    ever meet a boy named hazel?
  • No... I don't think I've met anyone named Hazel...

    Can anyone help me with my conundrum?
  • lay it on me big guy/gal

    have you ever thought about burt ward?
  • I have never thought of burt ward. But he often thinks of me. As for hitting on co-wokers, there is one who I hit on just cause he's shy and his reaction to it is sweet. But we have no real interest in dating each other. Maybe ask that co-worker to lunch and see if you have anything in common that would make you want to really date each other. Lunch together might ease your shyness toward each other and get you on a start with him. I'm not great w/ advice. Hope it's sort of helpful.

    Ever hated a coworker enough that you hope to one day sabotage them?
  • only on tuesdays

    have you ever thought that maybe if it werent for me this thread would die?
  • long live the thread! All hail GirlInTheDark and all that sail in her. (Um, that was not innuendo, just really bad wording laugh.gif )

    have you ever gone ice skating w/out skates?
  • yup, also played ice hockey without skates once

    have you ever painted a nude old guy?
  • one of the many reasons for my temporary blindness: the doctors told me to stop painting naked old dudes

    have you?
  • no, but i know some people who do...

    have you ever stolen internet?
  • no but we once got a someones connnection from 3 streets over.

    have you ever eaten so much salt till it tasted like ketchup?
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