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Valentines Day Hoohaaah...



  • so how was all of your valentine's day?

    I was my usual cynical self this lovely feb. 14th.... I got a flower though, but I'm not sure who it's from, and it was the white ones which means friendship i think, although my friend liz was trying to convince me it was secret admirer, but I think she wasj ust trying to make me feel better for getting the shitty flower. haha
    bill got 13 flowers from a sophomore girl and she wrote him a note being like "I don't mean this to be creepy at all, but I just think everything about you is perfect and.. I want to marry you" hahahaha, which made my day.
  • ryan got me an easter egg because apparantly all the things they had in the shops were shite hehe... oh and my card which had this poem

    "How many ways do i Love you?
    I think there are probably two
    The rumpety-pump way is all very well
    but I like the soppy way too!"

    lol. and he signed it i love you lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots... hehe.
  • lol my band director said he'd be "honored to be my valentine"

    and i got a bunch of flowers/cards/candy...but they were all from friends
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