i am with guy #1. guy #1 calls in guy #2 as a kissing instructor. guy #2 is better looking and has a beard. so yeah..he teaches me stuff. haha. we'll skip over that part. and in the dream , its liek guy #1 is getting me ready for osme homecoming parade or something. so then after the lesson si over, guy #1 is greatful to guy#2 and he tells him he is going to hook him up with this really hot chick at the parade to show his gratitude and all the sudden, guy #2 and i look at ecahother like "oh my god." because we started liking eachother. and in our little "lesson" we had forgotten that i have to go back to this guy at the end and guy #2 was just there as my teacher. but the look on his face is like "i am in love with you." and same iwth my face.
so OKAY! this is EXACTLY what is going on in my life right now!!! i am soo...ah! guy#1=sheraz. guy #2=this other guy. he is better looking. he is bearded. he is my "teacher" ina sense...because he has all those qualities i always talk about islamically. he has thsi amazing brain and he definitely teaches me. because hes not the typical religious guy...he is like..a liberal muslim! thats REALLY spiritual! hes awesome. but yeah...so i am definitely learning from him.
so what do you think that means?!?! is it just like...whats going on in my life right now? or do you think there is some wisdom in it some how?
and what the hell do id o abt sheraz! i told my mom i dont wnat to marry him. that is independent of guy#2. i am not doing this because of guy#2. i told my mom id ont wnat tod o it and she snot understanding me!!!
well see what happens with guy #2 before bringing your mominto it cause if you keep bringing guys in and taking them out of the picture, soon she'll be like you're always changing your mind. which you are, but hahaha it's a big deal so you shouldn't settle.
i think i have this psycho fear of committment. how i managed ot get myself in THIS mess, i do not know, but i will tell you this much: it started during my period! i know i will destroy my life one day and it WILL be during that time of the month!
and while yes, i should wiat to see what happens with guy#2, i feel nothing for sheraz. anything i THOUGHT i felt was more the excitement of the situation than any real feelings. i dont wnat to marry someone because im excited about gettingmaried. once we're married, the excitement will be gone, and then what?
meanwhile...there is this other guy and i want SO BAD to tell my mom and sister about him (because once, when we were all talking i mentioned this guy and my sister was like "why dont you just marry him?! you guys would be so happy! im serious..ask him if hes looking!" and i replied with "thats reallly weird and desperate and i am NOT going to do that. if im meant to marry someone, there will be some kind of weird coincidence that will bring us to that point, so im not going to go and ask him if hes looking because that is just creepy!") but i feel like if i mention him right now, they will think im only making excuses about sheraz because i like guy#2 and nobody will listen to me.
oh my goddd...i think my mom is listening to me! cause i hear dher syaing on the phone that shell just say "minnie doesnt want it...." (minnie=me)