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Have you heard the Garbage's new song?

edited November -1 in General Discussion
It is called Why Do You Love Me. Literally garbage. No excitement.
I love their 1st album, but I think they're getting worse.


  • i don't really care for the new song either...
    i love the first album as well, been listening to it alot lately...
    and i loved version 2.0 (the trick is to keep breathing is sooo my song)
    but, yeah, since then, they seem to be getting progressively worse...
  • It's growing on me... I'll probably buy the album just to be loyal.

    I met Butch Vig on State St in Madison WI this summer. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

  • Not overly impressed on this side of the screen either.
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