In this Discussion

Board Statuses?



  • ...must you rub it in? dry.gif


    newbie 0-9
    hanger-on 10-34
    friend of a friend 35-74
    entourage 75-156
    someone who knows someone 157-245
    just five posts away from being something else 246
    just four posts away from being something else 247
    just three posts away from being something else 248
    just two posts away from being something else 249
    just one post away from being something else 250
    something else 251-314?
    chatty little monkey (315)-399
    Posty McPosterson 400-449
    elementary school 450-549
    A Legend In The Making 550-599
    i've got more posts than you. HA! 600-649?
    what's brown and sounds like a bell? 650?
    duuuung! 655?-660
    why did the police man smell so bad? 660-664
    he was on duty 665-669
    what did one nostril say to the other? 670-674
    wanna boogie? 675-679
    where does a king keep his armies? 680-684
    in his sleevies! 685-689
    Middle School 690-779
    Son of Byford 780-784
    Brother of Al 785-789
    Bad As My Momma 790-794
    And Run's My Pal 795-799
    It's McDaniels 800-804
    not mcdonald's 805-809
    These Rhymes Are Darryl's 810-814
    Those Burgers Are Ronald's! 815-819
    I Ran Down My Family Tree 820-824
    My Mother 825-829
    My Father 830-834
    My Brother 835-839
    And D! 840-859
    Jim Walewander 860-879
    Tommy Brookens 880-889
    Some Sort Of Pirate Ninja Surgeon 890-999?
    Thousandaire 1000?-1099?
    Ranking Member 1100?-1199?
    High School 1200?-1299?
    Floppy Mister Waggles, The Cutest Little Puppy... IN HELL 1300?-1399?
    The Very Model Of A Modern Major General 1400?-1499?
    Halfway To Old School! 1500?-?

    King of All Grandpas: Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore
  • QUOTE (giggleguy @ Nov 1 2005, 06:26 AM)
    hehehheheheehe I just realized, I have more posts than ome people who are like way older than me, go young people wh00p!

    That's just because younger people have more time to be on the message board tongue.gif
  • actually im only on for 2 1/2 hour each night durin the week and about 6 hours on the weekend.
  • im on wayy too much. its better than homework.
  • ...
    Did I Say Halfway To Old School? I meant Quarterway!
  • Ouch, Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore REALLY wasn't kidding

    QUOTE (bettyNLBboop @ Nov 2 2005, 02:29 AM)
    That's just because younger people have more time to be on the message board tongue.gif

    Thanks for that *Sniff* you make me hurt *Sniff*
  • QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Nov 2 2005, 01:33 AM)
    Did I Say Halfway To Old School? I meant Quarterway!

  • grrr Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore.
    its okay though.
  • Just Kidding!

    oh Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore. youre so funny. not.
  • my favorite:

    Floppy Mister Waggles, The Cutest Little Puppy... IN HELL 1300?-1399?
  • I like them all, I don't have a favourite, but I love the very model of a modern major general. I saw that play this year i think, what's it called again?

    P.S Son of Byford status guys
  • Oh P.P.S Spongie that actually i quite funny, you should have seen your face when you found your status saying quaterway
  • QUOTE (giggleguy @ Nov 3 2005, 04:12 AM)
    Oh P.P.S Spongie that actually i quite funny, you should have seen your face when you found your status saying quaterway

    was i angry?
  • yes... very yes
  • QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Nov 2 2005, 02:33 AM)
    Did I Say Halfway To Old School? I meant Quarterway!
    Just Kidding!
    Or Was I?
  • Lol Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore you really are a ******
  • QUOTE (giggleguy @ Nov 4 2005, 03:42 AM)
    Lol Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore you really are a ******

    no an asshole would put you back to newbie for comments liek that tongue.gif Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore is the man!
  • I never said anything like asshole, why would you think that? Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore I think w00t needs some newbie-ing up

    I was saying Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore you really are an incredibly nice man
  • QUOTE (shades of blue @ Nov 4 2005, 01:09 AM)
    Just Kidding!
    Or Was I?

    here are the numbers for ya...
    Did I Say Halfway To Old School? I meant Quarterway! 1550
    Just Kidding! 1560
    Or Was I? 1570
    You're Right. This Is Cruel. 1580
  • QUOTE (giggleguy @ Nov 4 2005, 05:58 AM)
    Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore I think w00t needs some newbie-ing up

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