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Board Statuses?



  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Nov 21 2005, 11:41 AM)
    1940: Old S

    it would seem i was correct, do i get a prize?!?

    but still, Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore needs to get back to those prizes he spoke about before...

    newbie 0-9
    hanger-on 10-34
    friend of a friend 35-74
    entourage 75-156
    someone who knows someone 157-245
    just five posts away from being something else 246
    just four posts away from being something else 247
    just three posts away from being something else 248
    just two posts away from being something else 249
    just one post away from being something else 250
    something else 251-314?
    chatty little monkey (315)-399
    Posty McPosterson 400-449
    elementary school 450-549
    A Legend In The Making 550-599
    i've got more posts than you. HA! 600-649
    what's brown and sounds like a bell? 650-654
    duuuung! 655-659
    why did the policeman smell so bad? 660-664
    he was on duty 665-669
    what did one nostril say to the other? 670-674
    wanna boogie? 675-679
    where does a king keep his armies? 680-684
    in his sleevies! 685-689
    Middle School 690-779
    Son of Byford 780-784
    Brother of Al 785-789
    Bad As My Momma 790-794
    And Run's My Pal 795-799
    It's McDaniels 800-804
    not mcdonald's 805-809
    These Rhymes Are Darryl's 810-814
    Those Burgers Are Ronald's! 815-819
    I Ran Down My Family Tree 820-824
    My Mother 825-829
    My Father 830-834
    My Brother 835-839
    And D! 840-859
    Jim Walewander 860-879
    Tommy Brookens 880-889
    Some Sort Of Pirate Ninja Surgeon 890-999?
    Thousandaire 1000?-1099?
    Ranking Member 1100?-1199?
    High School 1200?-1299?
    Floppy Mister Waggles, The Cutest Little Puppy...IN HELL 1300?-1399?
    The Very Model Of A Modern Major General 1400?-1499?
    Halfway To Old School! 1500?-1549
    Did I Say Halfway To Old School? I meant Quarterway! 1550-1559
    Just Kidding! 1560-1569
    Or Was I? 1570-1579
    You're Right. This Is Cruel. 1580-1589?
    And That's How I Like It. 1590-1599
    President of The United Boards of OK Go 1600-1699
    Trilby S. McAffee, Clerk Of The District Court Of Butte County 1700-?
    Nerd on Parade 1850-1899
    <drumroll, please> 1900-?
    O 1910-1919?
    Ol 1920-1929
    Old 1930-1939
    Old S 1940-1949?
    Old Sc 1950?-?

    King of All Grandpas: Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore
  • Could 0076 possibly be getting to Old School? Or maybe it is just a sick joke and it will end up being something like old sock.
  • i think only time'll tell on this one.
  • QUOTE (76 @ Nov 21 2005, 06:30 PM)
    i think only time'll tell on this one.
    and you sure are taking your sweet time... mellow.gif
  • i'm not a TOTAL post whore..i like to think all of my posts are important and they all say something amazing.
  • QUOTE (76 @ Nov 21 2005, 08:56 PM)
    i'm not a TOTAL post whore..i like to think all of my posts are important and they all say something amazing.
    now that we're looking to you to post more, you can't do it? you used to double post and reply to yourself in threads... wink.gif

    go play Word Association or post more random stuff in the Random Thread. if i were in your position, i'd go to the Random Thread and post messages like "important" and "something amazing!" biggrin.gif
  • haha!

    you mean you don't like the suspense?
  • QUOTE (76 @ Nov 21 2005, 09:27 PM)

    you mean you don't like the suspense?
    are you trying to be "the death of me?"
  • nah, i just "wanna play the game, i want the friction". wink.gif
  • QUOTE (76 @ Nov 21 2005, 09:34 PM)
    nah, i just wanna play the game, i want the friction. wink.gif
    Aha! A new one!
    ...i hope it spells Old Schmo instead! tongue.gif

    newbie 0-9
    hanger-on 10-34
    friend of a friend 35-74
    entourage 75-156
    someone who knows someone 157-245
    just five posts away from being something else 246
    just four posts away from being something else 247
    just three posts away from being something else 248
    just two posts away from being something else 249
    just one post away from being something else 250
    something else 251-314?
    chatty little monkey (315)-399
    Posty McPosterson 400-449
    elementary school 450-549
    A Legend In The Making 550-599
    i've got more posts than you. HA! 600-649
    what's brown and sounds like a bell? 650-654
    duuuung! 655-659
    why did the policeman smell so bad? 660-664
    he was on duty 665-669
    what did one nostril say to the other? 670-674
    wanna boogie? 675-679
    where does a king keep his armies? 680-684
    in his sleevies! 685-689
    Middle School 690-779
    Son of Byford 780-784
    Brother of Al 785-789
    Bad As My Momma 790-794
    And Run's My Pal 795-799
    It's McDaniels 800-804
    not mcdonald's 805-809
    These Rhymes Are Darryl's 810-814
    Those Burgers Are Ronald's! 815-819
    I Ran Down My Family Tree 820-824
    My Mother 825-829
    My Father 830-834
    My Brother 835-839
    And D! 840-859
    Jim Walewander 860-879
    Tommy Brookens 880-889
    Some Sort Of Pirate Ninja Surgeon 890-999?
    Thousandaire 1000?-1099?
    Ranking Member 1100?-1199?
    High School 1200?-1299?
    Floppy Mister Waggles, The Cutest Little Puppy...IN HELL 1300?-1399?
    The Very Model Of A Modern Major General 1400?-1499?
    Halfway To Old School! 1500?-1549
    Did I Say Halfway To Old School? I meant Quarterway! 1550-1559
    Just Kidding! 1560-1569
    Or Was I? 1570-1579
    You're Right. This Is Cruel. 1580-1589?
    And That's How I Like It. 1590-1599
    President of The United Boards of OK Go 1600-1699
    Trilby S. McAffee, Clerk Of The District Court Of Butte County 1700-?
    Nerd on Parade 1850-1899
    <drumroll, please> 1900-?
    O 1910-1919
    Ol 1920-1929
    Old 1930-1939
    Old S 1940-1949
    Old Sc 1950-1959
    Old Sch 1960-1969
    Old Scho 1970-1974
    (A Really Great Year 1975-?)
    Old Schoo 1980-?

    King of All Grandpas: Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore
  • QUOTE (shades of blue @ Nov 21 2005, 09:37 PM)
    Aha!  A new one!
    ...i hope it spells Old Schmo instead! tongue.gif

    i don't know if i can tolerate your insolance..."this unchecked aggression will not stand, man."
  • i hope it spells old schtick. just because it sounds so cool
  • aww, now that's just cruel Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore... got to old scho, then it goes to A Really Great Year...

    *edit* ok, did i just imagine that?!? it seems dave status went back to old scho...
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Nov 21 2005, 10:14 PM)
    aww, now that's just cruel Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore... got to old scho, then it goes to A Really Great Year...

    *edit* ok, did i just imagine that?!? it seems dave status went back to old scho...

    what are you talking about, crazy?
  • QUOTE (76 @ Nov 21 2005, 09:16 PM)
    what are you talking about, crazy?

    i'm not crazy!!! at 1975 your status said a really good year... ok, maybe i am crazy...
  • who was born in 1975?
  • 1984: Tigers Win! Tigers Win!

    i'm disappointed Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, why wasn't 1983 a really good year?!? 'tis the year i, and several other boardies, was brought into this world...
  • fair enough, i'll just keep an idea on my title after every post
  • any guesses for what it will be at two thousand?
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