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Some show review I found..

edited November -1 in OK Go
Thursday, Mar. 31 [9:30PM] This is the show that I thought Bishop Allen would play, stupid TT's incorrect listing. So, instead, three bands I don't know. I bought the tickets already, so I'm going anyway. Bands: OK Go, The Sun, & The Bocks @ T.T. the Bear's - $10 - How little I enjoyed myself at this show was influenced by both my disappointment with Bishop Allen and how god-damned irritating OK Go fans are. Woefully, OK Go is a major record label band (FUCK), and they came onto stage with major record label matching ties and hipster glasses, and it was just awful. By that time in the evening, I was feeling dizzy, claustrophobic, nauseated, and stuff, so I left after OK Go's second song, which sounded suspiciously like their first song, another major record label trick. The Bocks were mediocre, I thought, despite their obviously talented guitarist and what looked like a pretty good drummer, because their lead was spastic and mumbled during the songs even after promising us that for THIS song, we'll be able to sing along. Plus he was into testicular cancer. No thanks. The Sun was awesome, despite the lead wearing hipster glasses. He looked like a Ti-83, but he was intense. I approve. Plus, it was his birthday. Plus, he's from Ohio. So sweet.



  • Hey! I was at that show! Crazy! lol.

    I'm very saddened by this persons review of OK Go. We all know that OK Go is amazing. And so what if they are on a major label? That doesn't mean anything besides they have serious talent. Ok, I'm done complaining about this person.

    I have to agree though, The Sun did rock and The Bocks were not so great. The music was fantastic but the lyrics were nothing to talk about. A major letdown when I got home and listened to the free cd they handed out.
  • QUOTE (bettyNLBboop @ Apr 20 2005, 12:10 AM)
    We all know that OK Go is amazing. And so what if they are on a major label?

    God forbid someone like someone signed to a major label. You lose like at LEAST 20 scene points for that, and maybe even get kicked out of the 'I'm a hip indie kid' club.

    I should know! sad.gif rolleyes.gif
  • What a nice review!!
    I hate that club. Indies are cooler than major labels, ha?
    God forbid someone like someone signed to a major label. You lose like at LEAST 20 scene points for that, and maybe even get kicked out of the 'I'm a hip indie kid' club.


    Well, if you lose 20 scene points for a major label, knock another 20 off for the apparent
    matching ties and hipster glasses

    Wow. No one disses Tim's glasses... What was this person thinking?
  • Tim was wearing those glasses BEFORE they were "scene."

    I think.
  • QUOTE (WeMadeShirts @ Apr 20 2005, 10:28 AM)
    Tim was wearing those glasses BEFORE they were "scene."

    I think.

    Those glasses have been the pitter patter in my heart since like 2001.
  • I'm not sure Tim would be Tim without the glasses...they are quite fantastic biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (melanie @ Apr 20 2005, 12:03 AM)
    The Sun was awesome, despite the lead wearing hipster glasses.

    Hey, he TOLD us he wore those before River Cuomo. That Weezer loser stole his glasses from the lead singer of The Sun. duh.
  • QUOTE (melanie @ Apr 20 2005, 12:03 AM)
    Thursday, Mar. 31 [9:30PM] Woefully, OK Go is a major record label band (FUCK), and they came onto stage with major record label matching ties and hipster glasses, and it was just awful...

    Actually, I recall briefly being surprised by the matching suits, but I shrugged it off, cuz it's OK Go. As long as they get up there and entertain us with their music and shenanigans, then who cares if they might even wear dresses and eyeliner on stage. They look and (of course) sound just fine onstage in their street clothes.
  • Yeah I don't get the whole suits thing, or why they do the dance at about every show now, but they still sound great, and that's all that matters. tongue.gif
  • haha what a cool guy

    hes so in with the non-conformist crowd

    laugh.gif it doesnt make much sense for him/her to like the sun, but not ok go. but maybe i am just saying that because i like both.

    and maybe we ok go fans are annoying. who cares? we're still awesome.
  • That's right, OK Go fans kick ass. If that kid had taken the time to get to know us he would know that, lol.
  • Sara~~Pearls Before Swine is amazing. Those crocodiles and zebras rock my world.
  • Yeah that comic describes my whole life. I haven't been able to sleep for a week!
  • QUOTE (QueenofthePosers @ Apr 21 2005, 02:39 PM)
    Hey, he TOLD us he wore those before River Cuomo. That Weezer loser stole his glasses from the lead singer of The Sun. duh.

    those glasses are nothing like Rivers Cuomo's
  • QUOTE (sally simpson @ Apr 24 2005, 02:48 PM)
    those glasses are nothing like Rivers Cuomo's

    it's just what he said cause we were talking about his glasses since they kept falling off while he played.
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