I need all your help. The chat room is dead. This is a fact. I want to try and get it going again. Me and two others are having a blast and it'd be nice if people could chat more often. Maybe even the band and Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore could stop by. This leaves two options.
1) A set day and time, once a week, for the boardies to come in and chat
2) A set time of day
or maybe even screw the first two and have people come in whenever. I imagine the band is on a tight schedule and couldn't make it at THIS time on THIS day. I dno, what do you all think? An official chat could be fun.
Well if you weren't, you wouldn't be online at 3 in the morning!
this is fun.
Haha... well it's about 4 AM now.. oh man.
5:09 here. We more or less chatted all night. Not technically but i'm phrasing it that way to get more people to come more often.
we all agreed to go to bed. So i went to check the boards. current online users were me, you, and sponge. We're all liars.
Because you know, something important might have been posted at 4 in the morning. Come on now, it's possible. I like to keep up-to-date on OK Go news.
Because you know, something important might have been posted at 4 in the morning. Come on now, it's possible. I like to keep up-to-date on OK Go news.
You never know what could be posted at 4 am in the morning. Damian could have spontaniously combusted. Dan could have gained the powers of flightl. WHO KNOWS!!
It'd be cool if the band could pop in when they wanted!
And you were still posting when i got up! Infact i'd been up for 3 hours already when you went to bed
Yeah, I'm all for the chat room gaining life again
we had FUN.
come again!
we had FUN.
come again!
I plan to...whenever it is you guys do it again!
We should really set something up, ya know?
Ahhhh! You must be so excited!!! Have an awesome time and be sure to tell us alllll about it
(if you all didn't know the link already)
WEll you guys missed out on umm umm a geeky student council conference...so ha?
ya i got nothing!
See y'all in the chat! (if it lets me log my ass in from work! BLAH(