(I just posted this in the OK Go LJ community, so sorry if you're a member of both and are seeing double.)
Best Week Ever blog linked the "Million Ways" practice video in
a post from Tuesday. I'm not sure if they're implying that it's a real video for a single... Maybe someone should comment and set them straight?

So does this, along with the appearance of OK Go song clips in various VH1 shows, mean that we'll see the upcoming
official video in rotation on VH1 when it's released?
The Best Week Ever blog linked the "Million Ways" practice video in a post from Tuesday. I'm not sure if they're implying that it's a real video for a single... Maybe someone should comment and set them straight?
So does this, along with the appearance of OK Go song clips in various VH1 shows, mean that we'll see the upcoming official video in rotation on VH1 when it's released?
I don't believe Million ways is a single so I doubt it. What this is, is just a video of them practicing their dance routine in Damians backyard. The gosh darned thing fell off the back of a truck, believe it or not.
Oh, I know that. What I meant was that I can't tell if they (the blog-writers) knew it was a practice video or if they thought it was something official. Sorry if my wording wasn't clear!
its maybe a little scary how good damian looks dancing hehe