okgo's songs have me thinking (too much probably) about their real subjects... like what made them write the song. well anyways... return really intrigues me. the reason being - in that damian fansite, damania, it say's that he got a tattoo in portland, OR on the same day as his friend's funeral. i obviously have too much free time on my hands, because i've tried, to no avail, figuring this out. by now i probably sound like a desperate teen mag, but this is seriously bugging me. anybody know anything?
Anybody know anything... about his tattoo?
He has a T in a star (I think... it's been awhile since I've seen it) on the inside of his left arm for his friend who died. T's Song, Return and um... another were written for her. The super slow one on their 1st album that they don't play live. Oh well, someone here will know which one I'm talking about and probably reply with the title.
at work