I just saw the new site and f*ck!! It rocks! And I'm watching the video for when they were in Sweden. I LIVE THERE! They've been in my country! Helvete också! And I did NOT know. I'm so ashamed of myself now. Blä! And i know Malmö. I know that town. I've been there so many times, it's my second home town. Gaw! I did not know! Helvetes piss!!
to quote carin "it is beautiful...i nearly cried"
Plus my name is there. tee-hee.
Plus my name is there. tee-hee.
MATT YOUR MIDIs are awesome!
I HEART YOU MATT *w00t* southern ontario represent LOL
I HEART YOU MATT *w00t* southern ontario represent LOL
Wow, I am SO white.