Oh boy, now I am intrigued, what is going to happen if I put bubble bath in the jet tub.
(Was there a Teeny story I was thinking of to Christel or JennyHP before my computer needed to be fixed?)
Don't cry, Krista! *hugs* Airports are such a pain in the arse. My sister got to fly first class by mistake because of stupid Delta while my mom got stranded in Atlanta. Ooo, but at least you can play w/ the internet on your phone. I wish I could do that!
I just saw the Cash Cab. It's currently filming in Chicago. I wish I had walked over to where it was a little sooner so I could have seen if the people had just gotten into the cab, just gotten out or if they were using their street shout out. Oh well.
Still, it was pretty neat to actually see the Cash Cab. All the windows were tinted and the white van was there, too.
Cool Becky! Too bad you didn't get to go for a ride. That would have been all kinds of awesome.
So I just realized that it's almost my 4th boardiversary! It's on my mom's birthday (the 13th), apparently. It's funny, I don't recall finding the boards on her birthday, but I guess I did. The internet wouldn't lie to me, right? I think I'm going to be a geek and try and post from three states that day, since I'll be flying from NV to OR with a layover in CA. Why? Because what else am I supposed to do to pass the time at the airports?
I think I'm going to be a geek and try and post from three states that day, since I'll be flying from NV to OR with a layover in CA. Why? Because what else am I supposed to do to pass the time at the airports?
I feel on the verge of a drunken post. I hope I'm still making sense tonight if you guys/gals see me post. Gah, just realized the math is going to make it a lot harder for good drunken posts.
Tempe Arizona said:I feel on the verge of a drunken post. I hope I'm still making sense tonight if you guys/gals see me post. Gah, just realized the math is going to make it a lot harder for good drunken posts.
My post is going to be really random. And it might not be that great, but it was hilarious in my mind.
I was sitting in the math room during lunch (because I'm nerdy like that) talking to my math teacher. My best friend was in there with me and she had brought up the topic of religion (I think it was because of some philosophy paper she was freaking out about). My math teacher mentioned that his family at one point had been Mormons (like decades and decades ago). I couldn't help myself and asked him if that meant he knew how magnets work. He gave me a completely confused look, but my best friend burst out laughing, which caused me to also laugh. It was quite the moment for me (mostly because my best friend had understood the joke).
And that's my little story. So is the life of an internet addict.
Haha, I would love to actually laugh out loud, but I'm class and it much too quiet in here for me to do that without getting a few strange looks.
That would have been brilliant, though! If I had not been so busy laughing and trying not to spit food all over the place, I like to think I might have said that, haha. The look on his face was priceless. I'm so glad he's used to my strangeness, or else that might not have been as awesome as it was.
OH, nobody gets my internet meme jokes except on the internet! (mmm, maybe there's a reason).
Called my mom to wish her happy birthday. She's seventy today. She said, "Yep, I'm seventy and I have two middle aged daughters."
WTF mom!
"I'm not middle aged! I'm only 36!"
Mom chuckles.
Am not "middle aged!" Am not! Sheesh.
Don't worry, violetchaos, I don't think you're middle aged. I have friends around that age and they're still a bunch of giggly teenage girls. That's probably why I get along with them so well.
I'm going to side-step the middle-age thing because I'm older than Amber and I participated in the discussion already…however, I will add that rock and rollers don't do "middle-aged". Right, Christine? Rock chicks just get warmer, richer, fuller, more defined, etc. when they're older. We're like analogue in the digital age (there are fewer of us, but everyone knows we're better!).
(Also we achieve more treble clarity and deeper bass tones, but let's keep that between us).
Why I am really random posting tonight is that PBS is airing the 25th Anniversary concert performance of Les Mis this weekend. Some of you will want to tune in despite the presence of a Jonas Brother, and some, I'm sure, will tune in specifically for Nick Jonas. Some, like me, will tune in for nostalgic and artistic purposes alone, and some will watch so they can feed Damian the lines he forgets the next time there's a technical difficulty during an OK Go show!
Check your local listings. Support your local public stations. Dream a dream.
Oh boy, now I am intrigued, what is going to happen if I put bubble bath in the jet tub.
(Was there a Teeny story I was thinking of to Christel or JennyHP before my computer needed to be fixed?)
Don't cry, Krista! *hugs* Airports are such a pain in the arse. My sister got to fly first class by mistake because of stupid Delta while my mom got stranded in Atlanta. Ooo, but at least you can play w/ the internet on your phone. I wish I could do that!
I just saw the Cash Cab. It's currently filming in Chicago. I wish I had walked over to where it was a little sooner so I could have seen if the people had just gotten into the cab, just gotten out or if they were using their street shout out. Oh well.
Still, it was pretty neat to actually see the Cash Cab. All the windows were tinted and the white van was there, too.
Cool Becky! Too bad you didn't get to go for a ride. That would have been all kinds of awesome.
So I just realized that it's almost my 4th boardiversary! It's on my mom's birthday (the 13th), apparently. It's funny, I don't recall finding the boards on her birthday, but I guess I did. The internet wouldn't lie to me, right? I think I'm going to be a geek and try and post from three states that day, since I'll be flying from NV to OR with a layover in CA. Why? Because what else am I supposed to do to pass the time at the airports?
Haha! That's an awesome idea. Happy Anniversary!
I think you are my hero, Tempe.
….I'm just saying
….That's innuendo that supposed to make sense to very few people here
It barely makes sense to me and I was involved in a non-involved way.
Thanks guys.
Also there is some guy sitting nearby me in the student union eating Panda Express very loudly. It's kind of creeping me out.
I was sitting in the math room during lunch (because I'm nerdy like that) talking to my math teacher. My best friend was in there with me and she had brought up the topic of religion (I think it was because of some philosophy paper she was freaking out about). My math teacher mentioned that his family at one point had been Mormons (like decades and decades ago). I couldn't help myself and asked him if that meant he knew how magnets work. He gave me a completely confused look, but my best friend burst out laughing, which caused me to also laugh. It was quite the moment for me (mostly because my best friend had understood the joke).
And that's my little story. So is the life of an internet addict.
That would have been brilliant, though! If I had not been so busy laughing and trying not to spit food all over the place, I like to think I might have said that, haha. The look on his face was priceless. I'm so glad he's used to my strangeness, or else that might not have been as awesome as it was.
Called my mom to wish her happy birthday. She's seventy today. She said, "Yep, I'm seventy and I have two middle aged daughters."
WTF mom!
"I'm not middle aged! I'm only 36!"
Mom chuckles.
Am not "middle aged!" Am not! Sheesh.
Don't worry, violetchaos, I don't think you're middle aged. I have friends around that age and they're still a bunch of giggly teenage girls
random: i'm eating the americone dream...
to go to catch me up girl
(Also we achieve more treble clarity and deeper bass tones, but let's keep that between us).
Why I am really random posting tonight is that PBS is airing the 25th Anniversary concert performance of Les Mis this weekend. Some of you will want to tune in despite the presence of a Jonas Brother, and some, I'm sure, will tune in specifically for Nick Jonas. Some, like me, will tune in for nostalgic and artistic purposes alone, and some will watch so they can feed Damian the lines he forgets the next time there's a technical difficulty during an OK Go show!
Check your local listings. Support your local public stations. Dream a dream.