In this Discussion

with 6 days to go....

edited November -1 in OK Go
who has it? post what you think of the album, general discussion of the above. ya know...the works.


  • p.s. yes, i have it and i'm going to the music store and buying it next tuesday like the rest of ya.
  • oooh, a shiney!..
  • I have it and I love it! I loved the first album but I love this one even more. I've had it for a few months and I seriously haven't stopped listening to it. I made 2 copies. One for in the house and one that stays in my car CD player.

    And yes, I will still be buying it when it comes out. Actually, I'll probably buy 2. One for me and one for my fiance (even though we live together.) You can never have too many OK Go cds.
  • i think they should put this one on vinyl. and while i'm thinking about it, i wish the first one was on vinyl too.
  • I too like shiney things. This is a good thing because the back of a CD is shiney when in the light. That alone is entertainment for hours.
  • haha
    i want a vinyl player. so i can buy records.

    i would buy multiple copies if my parents didnt think it a waste of money.
  • I think the album is brilliant. I've had it since sometime in June...I believe, and have been listening to it nonstop since. I don't think a day goes by that I haven't listened to, yeah. Also, my mom and I went up North today, and on the way back home I played the album for her and she absolutely loved it. And that's saying a lot, because she's kind of picky when it comes to music. So way to rock it, OK Go.

    And yeah, I already have plans for August 30th for going out a getting the album. Dinner, shopping and then back to my dorm to blast the music! Yes!
  • QUOTE (bettyNLBboop @ Aug 24 2005, 08:20 PM)
    I went up North today, and on the way back home I played the album for her and she absolutely loved it. And that's saying a lot, because she's kind of picky when it comes to music. So way to rock it, OK Go.

    they should turn that in to an ad campaign.

    OK Go OH NO!

    the album of choice for moms all over new england.

    in stores 8-30
  • QUOTE (76 @ Aug 24 2005, 08:27 PM)
    they should turn that in to an ad campaign.

    OK Go OH NO!

    the album of choice for moms all over new england.

    in stores 8-30

    Haha! Yes...pure genius. tongue.gif
  • p.s. i didn't think so many people liked shiney things. i hoped that choice would be just eye candy. i want opinions people! get with it...or i'll club a baby seal


    awwww, just LOOK at him. can you honestly let me club him?
  • I cannot let you club that cute little thing. Okay, well I don't have the album yet. I am waiting...yeah that is what I say when I can't find the album online.
  • It looks like he's waving at can't club him. Don't you just want to cuddle him!?
  • i'd be lying if i said i didn't want to cuddle him. but this is for the people and i must do what i must do. though, i might eat pizza with him first. he gets along famously with the kittens.
  • ...I think people are just too afraid to admit that they have the album already. Come on everyone, don't be shy...we won't stone you...we'll just throw little pebbles. They'll sting, but they won't cause much damage, except for to your eyes... tongue.gif
  • i AM secret agent double "OH" seventy six after all, i WILL find you eventually. i need a sidekick and someone to make me cool gadjits and gizmodery of all kinds.
  • If only I was creative and good with making things...I would make you "cool gadjits and gizmodery of all kinds," but alas, they would fall apart the moment you picked them up...and that's no good.
  • QUOTE (76 @ Aug 24 2005, 05:42 PM)
    p.s. i didn't think so many people liked shiney things. i hoped that choice would be just eye candy. i want opinions people! get with it...or i'll club a baby seal

    you underestimate the attention span of us.
  • "what's brown and sounds like a bell?" i don't think i understand your board status. mom also likes the new album. she liked the old one too. she even went to an ok go concert with me a couple years ago. i was 21 or 22 at the time too. haha. i had no one to go with, so she came along. she stood right up front with me and everything. it was fun.
  • That's too cute! My mom has been bugging me to take her to an OK Go concert...but they aren't playing any shows around here. sad.gif They did play one a bit ago, but it was 21+...and she threatened to go without me, but she didn't. She got all mad when I told her they were hitting up the Southwest and the UK...but not was so cute.
  • QUOTE (bettyNLBboop @ Aug 24 2005, 09:25 PM)
    If only I was creative and good with making things...I would make you "cool gadjits and gizmodery of all kinds," but alas, they would fall apart the moment you picked them up...and that's no good.


    that could make for a rather comical situation, it could also get me killed. but that could also be funny. i say go ahead and get on the gizmodery, perhaps the gadjits too if you're feeling saucy.
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