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  • i'm using it to make homemade goo

    are you the walrus?
  • goodness no

    why do i look like one?
  • well, my computer tends to distort images, but no, not yet

    mushy food or crunchy?
  • mushy cereal

    fav cereal?
  • steve urkel cereal! (believe it or not, he actually did have his own cereal)

    fav cereal?
  • Count Chocula! because the box is so weird... but Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my fav.

    What is your favourite 80s movie? *mine is Neverending Story!!! fook yah! and don't poke fun!!!!!!*
  • I have to say dirty dancing *shame on me*

    Which is the prettiest color of hair? (in girls and boys) *stupid question*
  • Well I dyed my hair blonde once, and it made me look even more pale than I already am haha, so I'll have to go with my natural hair colour because I love it so much, brunette!!!... also take in mind I love colouring my hair pink, blue, green, red, purple, etc, etc!

    Do nose pearcings look good? *i say yes, cuz i'll have mine done again, and it's ubber puuurdy!*
  • some are good, some are not. Depends on how puuuurdy the person is wink.gif

    are parents annoying?
  • At times, yes. But, they ARE just parents. We'll probably be just as annoying to our kids LMFAO

    What is your take on tattoos?
  • they can be really cool when they're not overdone. Fat guys and biker dudes looks awesome in them. But regular people can look really good in them. In either case, as long as they don't replace your skin as a complete body covering, they're ok

    how many if any tattoos do you have?
  • I only have one, it's on my upper right arm, and it's a dolphin. I've posted a pic of it on some other thread, and it's also the main pic on my myspace. I'm getting more done though, but I'm just waiting for my sister to finish the design I asked her for, so that I can tattoo that next.... then I'll get the rest, along with my 2 lip pearcings, I've decided on just those two and my nose pearcing, so I won't be getting my eyebrows pearced... well maybe I'll get ONE pearced hehehe.

    What is on your mind RIGHT now?
  • ooo, that's so cool that your sister is designing it! Yeah, I remember the dolphin! On my mind now is the fact that I'm hungry and sleepy all at the same time.

    what's your favorite fairy tale?
  • like made up or from a book or movie?... Does Neverending Story count? I love that movie and EVERYTHING in it, I could watch it forever and not get bored.. the 2 and 3rd sucked btw. And the story is just amazing, I used to just daydream of going there and having that dogdragon laugh.gif... I still have a crush on Atreyu wub.gif

    Same question and yours *TEmpe* and also, what is your favourite quote of the moment?
  • Favorite fairy tale? I always liked hansel and gretal because I used to dream about a house made of candy. Mmmm. Now you don't have to wonder why I'm so chubby.

    Favorite quote of the moment?
    Maybe I’ll never die,
    I’ll just keep growing younger with you,
    And you’ll grow younger too.
    Now it seems too lovely to be true,
    but I know the best things always do.

    ~Of Montreal, "Wraith Pinned to the Mist"

    What song are you obsessed with right now?
  • vice-razorlight

    ever heard it?
  • Nope.

    What was your birth weight?
  • I have no idea, but I think it was 8 lbs... I'm gonna ask my mom, or look at the birth certificate.

    Were you bald when you were born? *I was the only one of my siblings to be born with nooooo hair* I should post pics of me when I was a wittle bebe!
  • i wasn't completely bald, but i wasn't one of those kids that looks like they popped out with a full head of hair. i had a few wisps of hair, but that was about it.

    how many countries have you been to?
  • mmm... actually, i'm not sure.
    but... a lot.
    (my dad is a pilot, so..)

    what is your favorite ice cream flavor?
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