In this Discussion




  • ..I've never heard of that before =x

    What's The Final Countdown?
  • its the absolute last countdown, duh.

    how many shirts are you weatring right ow?
  • one.
    I should be wearing like 5 considering how cold it is...

    how many pants are you wearing right now?
  • none. It's warm in AZ. I can still wear summer dresses

    how many pairs of shoes do u own?
  • a lot. i don't really feel like counting them all right now, haha.

    marching band: sport?
  • looooots.
    black converse, pink and black converse, plaid converse, red converse, like 2 sandals and a pair of old shoes.
    I suck at math.

    how many pairs of teddy bear slippers do you own?
  • to justbelieve87: hmm, I think it should be a sport. Football stinks. Music's much more entertaining. Lol

    to rollo puzz: I don't have a pair os teddy bear slippers. Can you believe it? But my sis has a pair of Tweety Bird ones

    do you know anyone who watches COPS?
  • [oh i posted too late...]

    EW WHO WATCHES COPS pukeeeeeeweee

    do you watch cops?
  • nope

    ever see police brutality in person?
  • Only that one time when that cop was beating you up for spitting on him.... sorry it took me so long to explain to them you had a "conditon" that involves excess saliva.

    Have you ever torn up the town?
  • no... im lame

    ever paint the town red?
  • Yes

    Have you ever had major surgery?
  • nope. (you look alot different with shorter hair.)

    ever slept the whole night and next day into the afternoon?
  • no... i wish, i might actually do that tomorrow!

    when was the last time you got yelled at by a teacher?
  • ahhh today, the wounders of school. ba bow.

    last time youve said somthing realy dumb?
  • probably yesterday... i haven't said a whole lot yet today, but i'm sure at some point in the day it'll happen.

    What was the worst school fundraiser you've ever had to do?
  • i aint raise no funds for no one!

    wanna start a joe fundraiser?
  • raising funds for the needy joes across the world?
    how noble!


    What to see a picture of an emo pingu?
  • very!

    where is it?
  • image

    right thurrr

    Q: what colours the new black?
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