In this Discussion




  • I don't like Final Fantasy. My friend is trying to get me into it, and I don't like it. He also tried to get me into Marrowind and I don't like that too much, either.

    Do you like Marrowind?
  • oh you mean 'elder scrolls III: morowind'?
  • Mm hmm. I laughed at everything when I was being taught how to play and called everyone "Brotha'" regardless of their gender and race. And they walk weird!
  • i started playing that game this summer, but i never finished. my brother did

    favorite article of clothing on you right now?
  • my brown henley shirt from American Eagle that I've had forever. It's good for layering.

    favorite farm animal?
  • goat?

    does that count?
  • It counts.

    what is your favorite part of history?
  • 1987 till now

    waterloo or anywhere?
  • waterloo + sunset = the Kinks.

    nikon or canon?

    ( I probably asked this already, but I have a bad memory . . . )
  • my camera is a canon, so ill say canon

    would you rather be lame or not make any sense?
  • not make any sense. I never do anyway.

    ceiling or wall lamps?
  • wall

    lighter or matches?
  • Matches are old school, so I'll go with that.

    sculpting or drawing?

    BTW, I love FF and Elder Scrolls smile.gif
  • sculpting

    cookies or cookie dough?
  • cookies, but cookie dough ice-cream is goodness wink.gif

    stay home, or go out on a lousy day?
  • stay home. not shower, watch naruto ALLLLL day

    when was the last time you kicked something?
  • yesterday, i got really mad and kicked a wall in the stairwell at school

    when was the last time you threw water balloons?
  • Years ago, I haven't had the time to do that as of late.

    When was the last time you hurt your pinkie toe? AND why is it that the pinky toe is the one that has the most accidents? I mean it's like tiny and so faaaaaaar loow!
    that actually made me laugh out loud
    and yes, i ALWAYS bump my pinky toe on my dresser.

    which set of toes is better: left foot or right foot?
  • left foot, because i broke my middle toe on the right foot and now it's a little crooked (ewww)

    which set of fingers is better?
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