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  • tidly winks cause they sound so odd to say

    birds or fish as pets?
  • birds, cause theres more to eat

    would you ever eat your pet?
  • um, no. The most logical question next is:

    would you ever eat a relative?
  • not again i wont

    isnt corey a punk?
  • If he wears short leather jackets with atleast 10 band buttons on it, has a mokawk, and periodically says "you're not harcore, unless you live hardcore" then yes... otherwise, yes.

    Do you like Kraftwerk?
  • ive no opinion on them

    should i?
  • Yes, you should like them and respect thier importance in Robot German Electro Dance music.

    How was your Christmas?
  • it was ok, could have been worse

    going to go out for some great boxing day bargains?
  • I just did. I've never been out shopping on boxing day before... Future shop was insane.... so many people there... I was kinda glad the thing we came for was sold out and we could leave quickly.

    I generally like kids but I find them so idiotic when theres so many people around. Frig if they want to get by just say excuse me dammit! Otherwise how am i supposed to know you're behind me?!

    Q: was that too harsh?
  • nah, kids are dumb in crowds.

    whats the date on the DR Pepper cans/bottles?
  • i dunno dr.pepper is gross in my opinion. same with root beer... ew.

    Do you like root beer?
  • yes, and i just had a can of dr pepper, teh date is 1885

    ever use 'teh' instead of 'the'?
  • All the time... but only to signify how rad something is... ie. My new piano scarf is TEH Rad.

    Q: why do my sisters make fun of my piano scarf?
  • cause they arent cool enough to have one. sad sad sad, if only i had soemthing like a piano scarf

    piano scarf or piano neck tie?
  • scarf, necktie's for the hosers.

    Don't you wish you were bruno Martelli?
  • what does he have to offer?
  • well he was in "Fame". He was the genius pianist. In one episode he was the tin man in thier rendition of "the wizard of oz", he wore piano scarf. So that means he wore a Piano scarf even before JFK ever did.

    Don't you wish you were bruno Martelli?
  • sometimes... i wanna be a tin man

    who was your favorite wizard of oz character?
  • the lion. or maybe the wizard. or maybe toto or maybe the flying monkey... ya the flying monkey fo sho.

    My grandma told me a story of her encounter with a monkey... you ever have a moneky encounter?
  • not outside the confines of a zoo

    if monkeys had beaks, how scary would that be?
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