I'm mainly given stuff that's old enough to be vintage... (as in my mom comes home from cleaning out my grandparents house and has a bunch of headbands, necklaces, etc) and I love vintage, so I happily accept all of it. My favorite piece is a hand-beaded cardigan from the 50s my ballet teacher gave me... it's pretty, but it needs to be cleaned up a bit.
no matter how hard i tried i always fell on my ass
hellogoodbye, good or bad?
wide or college ruled?
big sunglasses or small?
have u ever purchased hello kitty merchandise? ?? ? ? ?
i love hello kitty!!!
do you drink enough water?
do u buy vintage merchandise????
Do you climb trees?
do u clip magazine articles???
do you collect anything?
Q: do you know how to break it down "hammer style"?
do u eat bbq lays??? ? ? ?? ? ?
do you use public restrooms?
do u prefer round, triangle, or square chips ?? ? ? ?? ?
do you normally eat breakfast?
did u ever play w/ toy soldiers???
did you ever watch a show called the trap door
what is the trap door???
what is the trap door???
The trap door will lead you to a place that isn't where you were before.
Why do YOU think the sky is blue?
why is thread so...thread-like? hmm? hmm???