ummmm i dunno if its a trend but i like longer shirts...the kind that you can get at "garage clothing" the long tank tops to layer underneath things they are great w00t
I have straight hair and I'm... Actually nevermind.
My first and only parttime so far : I was put into a job wayy to hard for me, in my Dad's workplace, in a factory, for full hours, for min wage. Then I was "Layed off".
Q: Whats one thing you wish you could skip or just faze through in life and just come to the conclusion?
Ok I don't know if this is really considered PDA or not, but I'm going to give it as my answer anyways. When Rose and I were at the Oasis concert this summer there was this girl and her boyfriend sitting up ahead of us and they were lying down. She then decides she's going to lift his shirt up and start picking at his back. She was popping pimples or something. It was gross. Then when she's done that she does it to his face. Or maybe those events happened in reverse. Regardless it was just weird and gross.
q: Latest trend that you luv to follow...
the long tank tops to layer underneath things they are great w00t
umm curly or straight hair?
who's your favourite athlete?
worst partime job experience
I have straight hair and I'm... Actually nevermind.
My first and only parttime so far :
I was put into a job wayy to hard for me, in my Dad's workplace, in a factory, for full hours, for min wage. Then I was "Layed off".
Q: Whats one thing you wish you could skip or just faze through in life and just come to the conclusion?
a b or c?
pancakes or waffles?
vanilla or chocolate
Can anger be a primary emotion?
santa or the easter bunny
q: Favourite Beck song?
Odelay was one of my fave albums!
fave davematthews song
q: does anyone like David Usher or is it just me and old people?
What's the best prank you've ever pulled?
Q: again, does anyone like David Usher?
what is worst display of PDA that you have seen?
Are you listening to the captain?
are you feeling the captain (yes now i can spell thx 3rd times a charm)
prefer stars or stripes?
q: Do you love the taste of starbucks, but hate the idea of starbucks?