Q: Anyone else notice that Ferris' day was really long? I mean, he did a bunch in just a few hours. A baseball game is really long, he so could not have done all of that in one day.
if you were the burger KING!, and you had lost track of time, and you had to be to your mothers house in 5 mins, but your 7 mins away. what would you do??
He started early in the morning, like when school starts (probably around 9), and he doesn't get home until 6. He has time to do all that.
And he lives in Chicago.
Q: How would you feel if they remade Ferris Bueller's Day Off? The film industry is seriously thinking about this. It pisses me off.
And they might have Justin Long as Ferris (the skinny weird teen in Dodgeball.) WHY!?!?!
And if they did remake it, who would play Ferris? (Anyone but Justin Long. He's more of the Cameron type. Not Even. He's more of an "Extra #2" type)
Ferris should be a complete unknown... if it ever is... but i hope not.
Q: have you ever seen late night with Craig Furguseon? If you have how much crack do you think he takes on a daily basis
(hes a scott, right?)
q: how lame is it that MTV Canada are not allowed to actual music and only has a licsence to play "lifestyle" shows like the crapdom Laguna Beach?
if you were the burger KING!, and you had lost track of time, and you had to be to your mothers house in 5 mins, but your 7 mins away. what would you do??
What is your favorite color?
if you lived in a cardboard box, and you had $2.49 but you were sick, what color would you paint your house.
do you believe in plate tectonics?
how about those knicks?
Do you do baseball?
arent sandwiches better warm?
I like warm sandwiches, which is why Quizno's is the shit.
Isn't Quizno's the shit?
is my face symetrical!?
What about mine?
I guess I could be no one.
Isn't Bye Bye Baby the shit?
WHat is the hottest accent out there?
What's the least attractive?
Have you ever fell in love with someone's voice? Whose?
Isn't Heath Ledger hot?