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My 48th Birthday

edited November -1 in OK Go
So I was driving home from work yesterday after a really awful day, not just because it was my 48th birthday (WHAT????!!! When did THAT happen?!) and I was having a sad and crabby day; I had taken my son to college the day before (talk about a rude awakening of the passage of time!) and his dad and I'd been fighting the whole stinking time...and so it just was ROTTEN. Then comes my lousy birthday and I am driving along and listening to NPR when this music comes on and Robert Siegel starts talking about this more-than-half-a-million-downloads-video by some band called OK Go. Well, listening to the interview was fun and actually lifted my mood considerably--so when I got in the door, I went to the computer, to npr to find the link. I forced--very nice mom that I am--my 15 and 12 year old daughters to come and listen to part of the interview first so they would hear Damian' and his sister talking and laughing about how the guys in the band were able bodied and how she'd seen worse...and then we watched the video.

I think your story on NPR and the A Million Ways video was the perfect thing for me to feel better and to make that day memorable for more than just feeling miserable! God willing that I live long enough and still have a functional memory, I think I will recall this birthday with fondness for the experience of learning about OK Go.

Today, I had to show the video to some of my coworkers and have since emailed the NPR link to a zillion people who should appreciate it; they can email it to a zillion more.

Thank you for coming up with that clever and sincere idea! (Yes, I read about Damian talking to Ira Glass and the conversation about those two adjectives.) I think my highschooler needs to put some stuff on myspace and livejournal about you guys after she watched the video again tonight.

We have a couple questions, though--first, who really sings it? Tim is singing it in the video but everything I find online says Damian is the vocalist. (By the way, I love the guy with the shirt falling out who is grinning at how much fun you guys are having filming this. And the wicked funny title. Love the comma before "dancing".) Next--is Tim purposely still singing at regular speed during the slowmo-kungfu/matrix scene even though your other guys(s) are screaming in slow motion? And for the final question, is Damian really tall or are the other guys just really short?

Best wishes to all of you for growing success. Don't let it mess you up and keep you from evolving into better men. Life is short. Make it count for lots of great things.


  • awww that's a cute story
    you are correct... damian is the real vocalist. but tim likes to lip-synch
    damian is like 6 foot something. so he's tall. but tim is short. andy is like... 5 10ish. as is dan.
    dont know about the slow-mo part
  • Andy seems tallish to me...but then again im 5 ft fuck all so im not really the best judge of character in height...some1 5'6" is tall to me!

    nehoo awesome story
    w00t w00t!
    welcome to the boards!
  • wow... what a nice story.
  • awww, welcome nannygoatj, and thanks for sharing your super story...and happy belated birthday! smile.gif
  • That's such a sweet story!
  • OK so my little update is that I have now heard back from some of the people I emailed with the NPR interview/video link. And now they are sending it out to all their friends, too. And for the most part, these are women my age, too. My sister said she saw it on a music channel last week and called her husband in to watch it and they thought it was hilarious. When her 17 year old son and his friend got home, they told them to watch it on the internet and then they got into it, this is one heck of a global community, isn't it?????? Talk about speeding around the world in seconds!

    By the way, anytime I pull up the video to watch it (it is just so fun to watch!) my 12 year old will say, "MOM. DO NOT SING to it!" as a very somber when I start singing, "Oh such grace, oh such beauty..." she howls, "STOP IT MOM! THOSE ARE THE ONLY WORDS YOU KNOW!" Well, not really, but it's so fun to bug the crap out of your kids with such stupid little things like that! I mean my mom embarrassed me and now I get to embarrass them and tell them that "one day you too will be able to publicly embarrass YOUR children"!

    Ah the joys of not giving a crap what anyone else really thinks of ya, right?
  • You rock nannygoatj, and happy birthday for the other day *hugs*

    Well I'm about 5'9 and i'm 13 years old, everyone reckons i'm tall, and I always thought dan was the tallest for some reason...
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