Want to know the story? I'll tell you. See, I sold myself to the Queen, and then, as any Louis fan knows, God killed the Queen...obviously Jason is referring to himself as a God(anyone want to guess what he's the God of? Pam? Haha), and so since he killed the Queen he stole all of her belongings, including her newly acquired me. So now I am safely in his possession.
mission accomplished....
Damn right.
you naughty naughty girl haha
edit: on the first page i got one of mine saying 'you dont want jen as your enemy' hahaha
..'Tis so true...
well i wouldn't really... that's darbie's job *wink wink*
That just makes me giggle.
Carin, you dirty whore bag, how could you sell yourself like that hahahahaha
Yeah, ok, I'm a whore bag. Haha.
**cough** Jason Hill **cough**
Very subtle Pam.
Want to know the story? I'll tell you. See, I sold myself to the Queen, and then, as any Louis fan knows, God killed the Queen...obviously Jason is referring to himself as a God(anyone want to guess what he's the God of? Pam? Haha), and so since he killed the Queen he stole all of her belongings, including her newly acquired me. So now I am safely in his possession.
Haha, there's a line in the new Franz song that makes me think of you and me and Jason...