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  • You're not going to trick me, fool. Why would you try to do that to me? You seemed so nice. I'm not drunk, I'm just happily inebriated. I've never been drunk. I'm a good girl.
  • is verry ornery tonite. probably cause she doesnt have a thug life tatoo.
  • Should drink some Vodka and get one of his own, and stop trying to trick me. I've been saying tongue twisters after every sip to make sure I'm not drunk.
  • will be very surprised to know i have already had my whole body tatooed and in some spots, pierced.
  • Really? Because I can't recognize sarcasm. Like normally, it's really hard for me, but without being able to read your facial expression or hear the sound of your voice, it's impossible.
  • trust me, seeing my face wouldnt help. i convinced sveral class mates i was married with kids, had my nipples pierced, and have a van with a waterbed in the back, and the phrase "hot butter love" painted on the side, i also told them i was a smoker, and that my friend does erotic sculpture.
  • I'm sad. I'm sick of this. I need a drink, but I don't want to be an alchoholic, so I think I'll just take a bath and go to bed. Oh... ^^is very persuasive, and can no longer be trusted. I feel so disappointed with the human race right now. I have lost all faith and you're messing with my head. I'm really tired of caring this much.
  • should drink more milk, and chocolate milk. cause milk is very tasty.
  • should like milk.
  • I drink 1/2 a gallon of milk a week. I think it's safe to say that I like milk. Should stop letting me break the thread.
  • should stop breaking the thread.
  • Points out the obvious. tongue.gif
  • is a sponge, but unlike most, speaks.
  • Should know I"m not too creative in many senses.
  • was too late!
  • was too late also!
  • should be really sad for lateness.
  • Spelled hornery wrong a while ago.
  • is very incorect, for ornery is a word!
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