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  • ^^^lives in a place that is not 103 degrees right now, and she makes me laugh so hard! laugh.gif

    (lol, I though I was the only one who thought of gibbard and gizzards. Thank goodness I'm not. Tee-hee)
  • (woo-hoo!!! Best name ever and you gave it to me. Ah, I feel so honored.)

    ^^^ knows how to train roaches
  • ^^^ Should train a roach army to do her deeds.

    your not an evil genius so your deeds don't need to be taking over the world... it could be doing laundry, or taking out the garbage. ohhh deed doing roaches would be nice.
  • ^^^ knows more than Alex Trebeck! biggrin.gif

    ooo, can I be the Roach Whisperer? People hire me when they have an infestation and rather than kill the bugs, I train them to do the homeowner's bidding?
  • ^ is the pied pipper of roaches
  • ^^^ is a very very hillarious girl

    laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

    ever heard that old 60's Pied Pipper song? well, now it's stuck in my head
  • ^should know im not THAT hilarious... but is on the right track

    no i havent heard it... but im glad ive contributed to you having a song stuck in your head... heres another one ... SHAKIRA, HIPS DONT LIE... i always have that stuck in my head. and now you will too tongue.gif
  • Is modest.
  • ^^ has funky pics
  • ^^ Is, in fact, a block of chease
    (not cheese, but pronounced the same)
  • is all about the chease
  • is a virtual papie
  • is correct, im happy to inform you sebastien is doing fine, hes currently with his mother
  • ^^ had to go to the virtual hospital to take pictures of his new vitual baby
    aww, how cute! How old is baby Sebastian now?
  • has asked me an unanswerable question. im a bad father
  • ^^ is a good father, but due to his virtual job, he's never at home

    (what is your virtual job btw?)
  • is partly correct. im a virtual farmer. pineapples in the summer sweet potato in the fall,
  • ^ Isn't nearly enough about the chease
  • ^^^has the coolest screen name, ever!
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