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  • ^ just made me laugh hystericly...
  • ^should check her temperature... even though i try, i never have that affect on anyone
  • ^ should know my temperture is fine!.. and that her posting a turtle when talking about a penguin reminded me of jd on scrubs stating "what's waiting in my room is what's known in football terms as a slam dunk" *said while he swings his arm as if he has a tennis racket*
  • ^should know Zach Braff is a king among us... he walks among us...
  • ^^is a dust bowl, and sings Acunna matata in a higher voice to singnify Simbas Growth into adelescence.
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Jun 20 2006, 08:01 PM)
    ^^is a dust bowl, and sings Acunna matata in a higher voice to singnify Simbas Growth into adelescence.

    ^^ does the same thing, she just doesn't want to admit it's so laugh.gif
  • ^^^ knows me oh too well, and should have heard fels randition(sp?)...
  • ^^ has an evil identical twin

  • ^^^ just called fel evil... I feel bad for you, she will unleash her wrath
  • ^should know a wrath has been unleashed... its in the mail now Tempe!
  • lol!! No no no, I love Fel! I'm just going by what Mel told me. laugh.gif

    ^^ Fel is not the evil twin (but think about it it would be fun to be evil for awhile)
  • ^^^ doesn't realize fel couldn't package wrath if she tried.... and oh shes tried.
  • ^ should tell fel to package her wrath in titanium, the postage is astronomical, but it gets the job done...
  • ^^^ should get the oldschool title already, or something more modest like queen of the boards...
  • ^^ reads "O Magazine"
  • ^ reads martha stewart living
  • ^helps me shoplift martha stewart items from K-mart
  • ^ should learn to keep her mouth shut!..

    really, i mean, bugs could fly in there if you walk around with it open all day... unless that's your plan to capture a roach?..
  • ^^ makes me burst out laughing!

    My roomie is really starting to consider putting me in home (which would stink, seeing as I'm her landlord)
  • ^^^ tried to reach deep but she couldn't get in...
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