Once upon a time, there was a boy named Damian...and a boy named Tim. Damian had long legs and was very lanky and gangly. He was popular with the ladies. Tim was also popular with the ladies, but didn't have legs quite so lanky as Damian's. They made a band, and then started a forum for their rabid fans to amuse themselves with... and they lived happily ever after. The end~
Do you mean that one, with the things and the stuff?
lives in the same area i do.. at least i think so.. vinca15 im assuming you're referring to los angeles when u say LA.. otherwise i'd feel like a complete idiot.
*hugs everyone*
brushes their teeth once a day
is liked by me
deserves a hug for complimenting my siggie (I wanted someone to notice it so badly)
to vinnie:
brushes like a dentist
im a leo, i dont have very good hygine (not sure if thats right).
Do you mean that one, with the things and the stuff?
Got me to tell a story. Bah!
Posted at the exact same moment as me.
to vinnie- has a very speedy internet connection