Touche! (I can't use french accents.) Sadly, is correct in her assumptions that I give blondes everywhere a bad reputation. I know you've thought it...
^^has confused me by making it sound like it is either monday or tuesday already...
oops i fixed it... studying has gotten me all confused on the's monday morning so it'll be tomorrow you rock faces.. i've got exams on monday and tuesday and i think i want to shoot myself right now
^^shades has got everyone's favourite interweb couple after her, but she will always love darbie more
^^has claimed to be british (or at least i think i've read it somewhere) and should then know that the british use "arse" too...and is not the only one that likes the way brit folk speak!
Has my post confused with someone elses. Although I think I have ancestors who were British...but I'm mostly Irish and German, from my mother's side. I'm just everything white there is. No, I'm related to the last Anglo-Saxon king of England, King Harold Godwin, who fought and died in the Battle of Hastings in 1066 before the Normands took over. And I'm related to Black Bart (which I'm very proud of). He's my great(X3) uncle. Other than that, I have a pretty good British accent. But I'm not sure if I'm british or not.
oops i fixed it... studying has gotten me all confused on the's monday morning so it'll be tomorrow you rock faces.. i've got exams on monday and tuesday and i think i want to shoot myself right now
^^shades has got everyone's favourite interweb couple after her, but she will always love darbie more