I'm a whirling dervish. (The red splotches on my arm are the result of dried fake blood from Evil Dead the Musical [which was AMAZING]. Everyone on the train gave Ken and I weird looks and I just fake coughed on everything.)
While wandering, we found this really cool area off of St. Catherine where there had been a "Meeting of the Styles," which was a large group of graffiti artists tagging the hell out of this one area. It was beautiful. It was the first day of real snow in Montreal and we had just come from watching some Global Warming protest (the protestors def. chose the wrong day to petition.)
that graffiti is very beautiful. I always wondered how they can make things come out so perfect because the paint spreads . . . I'm more partial to paint brushes.
i guess maybe i should introduce myself? Ahh, well, sure, why not. I'm Michelle. Been at the juggling club for awhile but was convinced I should join the family here as well. So ummm... yeah, hey! Here's a picture!
FEEL the blackmail, it's electric
I'm a whirling dervish.
(The red splotches on my arm are the result of dried fake blood from Evil Dead the Musical [which was AMAZING]. Everyone on the train gave Ken and I weird looks and I just fake coughed on everything.)
While wandering, we found this really cool area off of St. Catherine where there had been a "Meeting of the Styles," which was a large group of graffiti artists tagging the hell out of this one area. It was beautiful. It was the first day of real snow in Montreal and we had just come from watching some Global Warming protest (the protestors def. chose the wrong day to petition.)
I am in love with high-contrast self-portraits.
i never new this, you look young, but have had a life
in the good way