i've tried to talk her out of it but she won't listen to me.
our very own carin betttyNLBboop says that if OK Go doesn't play Tampa or at least Orlando Florida she's going to club a baby seal.
she hasn't set a clubbing date, but i can assure you it's going to be sooner then later. i'll try to keep this thread updated but there's no telling if she'll club me too.
ask not for whom the bell tolls...it tolls for baby seals.....
It's Dave who's going to club the baby seal. Why would I care if they play in Tampa? I'm in NH.
You jerk! Slandering my name across the board!
but i love the seal more.
but i love the seal more.
Yes! Me too!
Dave...don't slay the baby seal, I'll sacrifice myself to save it. But be gentle with me, please? Or quick. But no torturing me...unless there are whips, chains and handcuffs involved...then it's alright
but i love the seal more.
he's waving at you...please help me save him. have ok go play tampa...or better yet. my fire school grad party.
How about you get OK Go to play Tampa and not be a picky bitch about when and where they play?
Yeah, you love me.
i like crows and bats.
this seal happened to be a bat in a before life. couldnt you tell?
this seal happened to be a bat in a before life. couldnt you tell?
i see your point. he IS flapping after all and he's still a mammal.
Yeah, you love me.
i'm trying but you never go along with my ideas! you are the smelliest pirate whore of them all...
me too, she's breaking hearts all over the board, and new england, tonight. god save us all. (especially the baby seal)
Dave, I hate you. So much.