Just got back from the Cambridge show, and although I should be sleeping, I am here to tell you all about it...go figure.
Juliette and The Licks were amazing. I was skeptical at first, but she really is good. They put on a great, energy packed show. Way to rock it.
OK Go...amazing as usual. This was definitely the best of all the shows I've seen. The audience was amazing and the guys were brilliant. My friends and I stood back this time instead of rushing the stage, and it was nice to get a different perspective. Pictures didn't come out so well, but meh, what're you gonna do? Damian was sick, so he was hopped up on steroids, yet he gave the best performance yet. I tell you, I couldn't love that man anymore if I tried...also, my sister told him I loved him...that was a bit embarrassing
I could really go on forever about the show, but I won't. All the same things always get said anyways. The show was great, and although I didn't really get to talk to the guys(the club was kicking everyone out), my sister did get them all to sign the poster I stole(yes! haha) and I got my picture with Damian after a bit of an embarrassing story.
All in all it was a great night. For those of you who still have the concert to look forward to, I envy you. And for all you New Yorkers who made Damian sick, I am very angry! Haha.
they must be super rad geologists.
Also, I shall forever be known as the "gumdrop sculpture girl," 'cause I made one of them dancing to "A Million Ways." Which, I found out a week later when they came to Northampton, MA, they had eaten. Which is so sketchtastic, because those gumdrops were totally all over my floor and manhandled by me and my roomie. Ewww.