just want to add that i have no idea what time it would be in california, but my indie rock program runs from 1-3pm EST on Tuesdays, between the opera/classical program and the video games/anime program.
It's WHFR's annual FEATURED ARTIST WEEK from Sunday, Jan. 22nd-Saturday, Jan. 28th, and every live DJ is to spotlight a worthy artist for either the entire show or one per hour!
On Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 (that's today), from 1-3pm EST, my worthy artist is THE POP PROJECT, and their bassist Will Yates will be coming in-studio to sing and play guitar LIVE, with Matt Rickle (of Javelins) assisting on drums. You can listen online at WHFR.FM.
wow everyone's bitter today. well i'll join in. i'm bitter because i never get to listen to shades' show because i've got too much class today i spent most of teh day with my lab partner trying to work on our lab report. i think we spent 4 hours on it... fun
but thanks for trying...
and you should stop by the message board and talk with me and shades... http://whfr.hfcc.net/apps/forum/index.php?showtopic=825
check it sometime...or everytime!
On Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 (that's today), from 1-3pm EST, my worthy artist is THE POP PROJECT, and their bassist Will Yates will be coming in-studio to sing and play guitar LIVE, with Matt Rickle (of Javelins) assisting on drums. You can listen online at WHFR.FM.
perfect for a bitter bitter man...