They were great...and now they want to be "a hip hop band." Which sort of contradicts itself. They're going to change their name to Roast Beef. And I never got to see them live.
They were great...and now they want to be "a hip hop band." Which sort of contradicts itself. They're going to change their name to Roast Beef. And I never got to see them live.
Actually, that's funny because their album is called Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone? and their last song is I'm ready to die, and the song ends abruptly because they die.! the countdown has started...tonight it's so on. i haven't been on the air in so long. this should be a pretty good show. i hope you can join us.
now play me a song...or not.
and now i miss joe...
The DJ Currently Known As AWESOME!! starts rocking faces again. be there or be...sad and lonely.
but i am sad and loney
*runs away crying*
The DJ Currently Known As AWESOME!! starts rocking faces again. be there or be...sad and lonely.
it's about damn time...
i was having withdrawls...
twitching and salivating...
not a pretty sight!..
My playlist is getting kind of old . . . again.
I want my CDs to come in the mail!
That song would play on Retro Nights, something our basketball team does.
Lots of fun.