RoRo came up with this idea, and I'm about to execute it. The two of us think we should make an OK Go boardie appreciation video for our darling members of OK Go to show how much we love them!
If you would like to participate, sign up here! Also, if there are any other ideas for the video, please feel free to share. This is still in the process of being worked out, but we'll have the whole idea for you soon!
just to let them know that their hardcore devoted fans appreciate them...and are really board and do not have a lot of time on their hands!
so sign up peeps!
as is ryan haha
he doesn't know this yet lol...
It could be like the vids for "DWYW" and "YSDH," where it was basically a lot of footage of them performing and the fans screaming. We could set the footage up to one of their songs, and make it look like a music video. (If anybody's that good at editing, haha. I'm not.)
Emmett, you don't get picked, silly.
Anyone can be in it.
yeah! And someone needs a pie in the face for it too. Since we all love llamas and pie.
i nominate dave to recieve the pie in the face...
i second that nomination!
Oh em gee I rock, i have teh bestest idea
sounds kinky