Not that
USA Today is known for its quality reporting, but I'm not quite sure how the reporter managed to get a quote about DRM from Jamie Kitman without ever getting a clue as to OK Go's home continent.
In a semi-related rant, I have pretty much lost all respect for the press. Some of this comes from the Judith Miller fallout, which has been just painful to witness, but I think I'm more influenced by sitting next to the PR person at work. She spends all day monitoring interviews & managing reporters, and it seems that if they're not intensely biased, it's just because they're so incredibly lazy. Not that I've been able to break my hours-a-day habit, but it is a bit disillusioning to hear interviews with Times reporters and realize that they're just as rushed & careless as anyone else.
What????? Somebody get it right, please. This kind of reminds me of the November ish of Jane where they called them "the Okay Go" in an ad in the back. (This is after, mind you, they gave Damian a full-page pic in the June/July ish.)
But the article, even if the writers are dumbbutts, is actually kind of interesting, and I like what Kitman had to say:
It's kind of like what Damian said about the big music industry machine in the NY Times article on "A Million Ways":
OK Go seems like the kind of band that wouldn't be really cool with uber-strict copyright protections. (I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I got in to OK Go by downloading there stuff, and look where I am now...)
But, yeah. People seriously need to double-check stuff. Seriously, articles shouldn't be going into print without at least a double fact-check or something.
that way they'd play here ALLLLLL the time lol
you cant have them.
I'm willing to share though. Not for long.
You're right. See here.
damian's cool points just went way up.
not that they werent already at the max. he just raised the bar so high.
I absolutely LOVED that blog. I wrote him this long long email after I read it, telling him how vindicated I felt after reading that, because I got into OK Go because of P2P sharing, and on top of that, I have hit so many friends with the "OK Go stick," so to speak, through file sharing and forcing people to listen to them.
I heart heart heart Damian Kulash. He's a fucking genius. He should be president someday. I'd vote for him.
I heart heart heart Damian Kulash. He's a fucking genius. He should be president someday. I'd vote for him.
So would I. Seriously, not only is he uber cool, but he's also about a million times smarter than our current president is.
Here's our campaign poster (mind you, it's not all that great, because I made it with Paint, I don't have Photoshop or anything fancy like that):
It's kind of a spoof on the Kerry/Edwards poster.
(Also, it's 2012, not 2008, 'cause, as far as I remember from my Amer. Hist. classes, you have to be 35 to be prez, and Damian's only going to be 33 as of November '08.)
Why, thank you.
it makes me shed a tear
im glad i can vote by then.