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Punished for my Youth

edited November -1 in OK Go
Ok folks, I don't know how many of you out there share my pain, but I'm going to complain anyway.
Ok Go is finally returning to California to play a free concert at the Roxy in Los Angeles. I live in San Jose, so it would be a bit of a stretch to drive down there, but I would be willing to do it. However, this band that supposedly cares so much about their fans has limited acceptable age attendance (once again), to those who were lucky enough to be born before 1984. It's not my fault that I'm only seventeen, and if I'm not mistaken, most of their audience is younger than 21, so in excluding those of us with the misfortune of being less than the required age limit, they are losing major business. Plus it's really starting to piss me off. They're trying to target a college student audience, and that's fine. But what I think they're missing is that kids are growing up faster these days, so the band is hitting more than they're aiming for. Hey Damian: if you're reading this, please take into consideration the huge number of people you're cheating out of a chance to see you guys live. The fans make you, right? Well, I'm not saying that you wouldn't be a complete person without them, or anything, but we are the ones that buy your albums. Think about it, k?


  • i'm sorry for your situation, but this has been discussed before and it's not the band's fault that venues make age restrictions.

    edit: heh, they might even help try to sneak you in...
  • Really? Cause I can look older if I want to. And I could never hate the band or anything (unless they tried to go emo or something) it's just frustrating, you know. I just don't understand why they can't just choose to perform someplace where I can go. Maybe 18+. I'll be 18 soon. cool.gif
  • I know how you feel. I'm 17 too and a while ago I wanted to see them in Ann Arbor, but that city's venues are all 18+, which sucks. So I couldn't go and I was upset.

    But afterwards when it was all over, it's not a big deal. I know I'll see them eventually, so I'm not going to get all mad about this show.
  • QUOTE (cadillac64 @ Dec 7 2005, 12:22 AM)
    Really? Cause I can look older if I want to. And I could never hate the band or anything (unless they tried to go emo or something) it's just frustrating, you know. I just don't understand why they can't just choose to perform someplace where I can go. Maybe 18+. I'll be 18 soon. cool.gif
    i imagine it's just as frustrating as not being able to attend any show that you really want to see...just be patient. ok go tours A LOT, and they will sooner or later hit a more accessible spot...just for YOU. wink.gif
  • QUOTE (cadillac64 @ Dec 6 2005, 10:32 PM)
    Hey Damian: if you're reading this, please take into consideration the huge number of people you're cheating out of a chance to see you guys live. The fans make you, right? Well, I'm not saying that you wouldn't be a complete person without them, or anything, but we are the ones that buy your albums. Think about it, k?

    I think it's fair to say that the guys are more aware of this than you might think. I believe, truly, that if it were up to them, all their shows would be all-ages and would cost $5. During the first conversation I ever had with Damian, he spent a good five minutes talking about Ian MacKaye, and how much he admired him for MacKaye had done to make the DC hardcore scene more accessible to younger fans. OK Go DOES appreciate their more youthful fanbase.
    That said, I'm sorry you won't get to see them at The Roxy. It seems like they've played a fair number of shows in CA this year, so hopefully you'll get to see them soon.
  • I really hope so too. I've been waiting for a decent opportunity to see them for a while. But when I'm 18, I have a feeling this will get better, and I'll have more chances to see them live. I'm just worried that after I turn 18 they'll want to take a break from touring, and I'll have to wait longer, or maybe some Yoko chick will show up and break them up, and then I won't get to see them at all...ever! Damian's girlfriend wouldn't do that, would she?
  • "It's not my fault that I'm only seventeen, and if I'm not mistaken, most of their audience is younger than 21,"

    UMMMMmmm..... I think you are WRONG there on that one...
    At least I hope you are wrong... sad.gif
  • well 99% there live audience is over that =p as its 18+
  • I'm fifteen and the closest they've ever played from me is a six-hour drive, you so still have a better chance than I do.
  • Do you live in Texas? Because Tim said he strongly disagrees with Texas. (George Bush and all...) And what about his girlfriend? Is she a threat to the band's togetherness?
  • I realize how frustrating 18+ shows are, but bands have no say in the matter and often are just annoyed as we are when their crowds are limited. Just think--at least you don't live in Australia, where the guys have never toured.
  • QUOTE (QueenofthePosers @ Dec 8 2005, 12:22 AM)
    I realize how frustrating 18+ shows are, but bands have no say in the matter and often are just annoyed as we are when their crowds are limited. Just think--at least you don't live in Australia, where the guys have never toured.

    Plus, don't they do meet and greet after the show for people under 18/21?

    Ah, I found what I was talking about. The Juggling Club helps with this, though I don't know if you'll be able to submit something soon enough for Mike (the tour manager) to arrange it.

    QUOTE (Juggling Club)
    Help Us Find Meet & Greet Locales!

    Are you pissed because you're under 21 and can't get into one of the shows? OK Go is, too. The band wants to try and hold a meet and greet at each under-21 city on this tour, so that you can stop by, say hello, get them to sign the album. You know, all that stuff. Sadly, they don't have their acoustic instruments, so they can't play any impromptu sets, but they still want to say hello and thanks.

    So, this is your job, and you've got to do it quick:

    Find us a place to meet you. Ideally, it'll be an independent coffeehouse or something similar that's close to the club. Maybe even a park. We need suggestions, and we need them fast, so that the tour manager, Mike, can set something up. We're looking for places in Seattle, Portland, San Diego, and Las Vegas.

    If you've got suggestions for the 18+ cities on the tour, let us know that, as well. We'll see what we can do.

    Start your submissions with the name of the city in all caps, so we can sort them easily. Include the name of the place, what type of place it is, how close it is to the venue, why you think it'd be a good place, and the phone number or website, if it has one. If you want, after you've submitted your suggestion, you can go to the Juggling Club Ideas message board, start a topic--one topic per city--and add your suggestion there, so people can comment on it.


    Ends Sep 24, 2005

    Here's the link, you'll have to join. Good luck!
  • Ends Sep 24, 2005
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Dec 8 2005, 10:16 AM)
    Ends Sep 24, 2005

    the thing about the juggling club though, is that things never really end when they say they're going to. i haven't been on in a while, but it's probably still open for suggestions
  • dont sas me lady deedo =p
  • They did meet and greet at the show I went to (not 18+)...or at least we got to meet them afterwards and get autographs (and hugs biggrin.gif ).

    So yes. Pointless post. Anyway.
  • if you really want to goto the 21+ or 18+ shows just get a fake. i'm 19 and it's the way i've gotten in to all shows since i was 16

    and it's a lot easier for a booking agent to book the 21+ shows because a lot of the smaller venues are 21+ anyways... and ok go needs to play somewhere.

    and i know the roxy is usually all ages but since it's a free show if they make it 21+ they will automatically know that all the people that are coming in are probably going to order a drink and bring more money to the club.

    it's not ok go's choice to have 21+ shows, if it were up to them i'm sure they'd make all shows all ages. but it's not up to them!!! their booking agent is trying to schedule tour after tour and fill in a venue for all the dates in all the cities... and sometimes the under aged get screwed over, but that's the way it goes.

    so please people stop making posts about this, just borrow your big sister or brother's id or somebody's and i'll see you at the show smile.gif
  • especially for 18+ shows, venues will not care if you have a fake, even if they know it. i had a friend who was white as can be and used an asian kid's id, and got into the bowery in NYC just fine...
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