ok guys and gals...post any random information you know about the group and or the members..start your post with
UI: <incert random fact>
lets see how much we all know about them
random UI i created the UI threads on another board and it ran for about 50,000 posts then spread round the interweb...im a genious
unless you can give me an example otherwise...
Favourite colours are SOOOO useful!
Damian: green
Tim: red
Dan: blue
Andy: blue
anyone have more useless/useful random OK Go info?
Um, I probably know more. I just can't think of any more right now.
and this one:
from bloomingdale's.
and... i had something else, but i forgot
*pulls one out at random*
*reads aloud*
"Dan's middle name is Micheal."
*tucks away file drawer*
*walks away*
Way to go teach. Way to fucking go.
not 100% sure on this one..
not 100% sure on this one..
...then again, that may be true some day!