I don't have any plans as of yet, but I have a bottle of champagne ready for the occasion. I think we were planning on going out to dinner and going to someone's house.
Next New Year's Eve should be even better cause hopefully I'll be in Florence....
and since i wont be here to supervise, you think you can not burn down the boards?
Robin wiil try to keep ditzy Tempe under control. Evil Tempe is harder to control though. I will save you some suishi. Although, by the time it gets there, it may not be edible. I don't even know what I'm doing w/ suishi. I just eat and ask questions later. Should I get a raw fish guidebook?
maybe some margaritas if my mom lets me
who knows????...
I think I will cry that whole night while watching them on TV.
Next New Year's Eve should be even better cause hopefully I'll be in Florence....
i just realized im leaving tomorrow. and i wont be around these old boards all weekend. well, so long sucka's
I'm confused.
i just realized im leaving tomorrow. and i wont be around these old boards all weekend. well, so long sucka's
NOOOO!!! What will we all do without sweetness!
I shall be eating suishi at my friend's restaurant, followed by a Honeymooner's marathon.
and since i wont be here to supervise, you think you can not burn down the boards?
and since i wont be here to supervise, you think you can not burn down the boards?
Robin wiil try to keep ditzy Tempe under control. Evil Tempe is harder to control though. I will save you some suishi. Although, by the time it gets there, it may not be edible. I don't even know what I'm doing w/ suishi. I just eat and ask questions later. Should I get a raw fish guidebook?
consider it done. Wait, I thought you didn't like chicken? My world has just been thrown into chaos.
ill see if i can convince the lads into getting sushi before we go
being upducted by jupiter creatures?
scuba diving w/ polar bears?
WHY: to be manly!