he's on the moon, i don't think they have internet access there yet... and on the old board we came up with a theory that Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore never reads posts with his name in the subject...
the most users counter does include guests at the time, there could have been three members and 300 guests, which is why it looks incorrect
not only is that highly improbable... i don't even think the board could handle that many users online at once... i use to post on the hole message board, there were over 20,000 registered users, so the board was obviously use to having tons of online members, but if there were more than 150 or so the board couldn't handle it, and you'd get an error message saying the server was too busy and to go outside, hahaha...
go to my controls, then under options there's email settings, select no email notification...
And when you do fast reply, you have to be sure the box for email notifications isn't checked--it usually is.
thank you very muchs jorgey boy =D
users on RIGHT NOW BITCH! instead active in the past 15 mins
not only is that highly improbable... i don't even think the board could handle that many users online at once... i use to post on the hole message board, there were over 20,000 registered users, so the board was obviously use to having tons of online members, but if there were more than 150 or so the board couldn't handle it, and you'd get an error message saying the server was too busy and to go outside, hahaha...
i doubt we have more then 20 active posters on here