I'm surprised it took people so long on this board to find out about SDR.
well, you can't blame me when I only found the band in September, and became obsessed in October. I've done pretty well considering I've only been a fan for 4 months...
QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Feb 20 2006, 03:27 PM)
We call them pins because you pin them onto stuff. You don't badge them onto stuff. Badges are permanently attached.
Badges are what you try to earn in boy/girl-scouting. The get sewn onto your sash or shirt or whatever.
Pins can be put anywhere, moved around, and they're kinda badges with safety pins attached on the back.
Man, I remember when I first started posting on the JC board. I was so confused. I mean, how can they be fans of OK Go when I'm sure most of them are absolutely bewildered by the big words in their songs..
Man, I remember when I first started posting on the JC board. I was so confused. I mean, how can they be fans of OK Go when I'm sure most of them are absolutely bewildered by the big words in their songs..
Oh, man. I was just listening to "Beautiful Girl," and I realised that the spoken word at the beginning is from the end of Breakfast at Tiffany's. Which happens to be one of my favouirte movies.
I don't know if you people already know about it, but I saw all this talk about Secret Dakota Ring and was thinking about how you should check out DraculaZombieUSA. Andy was involved in that too (and Thomas Window Paine samples an SDR song.) Pretty rad stuff.
Bonus points if you have the mp3 of Secret Dakota Ring covering Man in Gray. That's the most recent track that he's put out there that I know of.
I don't know if you people already know about it, but I saw all this talk about Secret Dakota Ring and was thinking about how you should check out DraculaZombieUSA. Andy was involved in that too (and Thomas Window Paine samples an SDR song.) Pretty rad stuff.
Bonus points if you have the mp3 of Secret Dakota Ring covering Man in Gray. That's the most recent track that he's put out there that I know of.
Ooh --- if you have it could you email to okgosongs@yahoo.com? Otherwise - where would you find that?
I don't know if you people already know about it, but I saw all this talk about Secret Dakota Ring and was thinking about how you should check out DraculaZombieUSA. Andy was involved in that too (and Thomas Window Paine samples an SDR song.) Pretty rad stuff.
Bonus points if you have the mp3 of Secret Dakota Ring covering Man in Gray. That's the most recent track that he's put out there that I know of.
Yeah, I've been meaning to order DZUSA. I think I'm going to wait until the Unsacred Hearts record is released in April and buy them together.
Also, want to hear SDR covering Man in Gray? I agree with Connyfoo- where, pray tell, do we find this recording?
Yeah, I've been meaning to order DZUSA. I think I'm going to wait until the Unsacred Hearts record is released in April and buy them together.
Also, want to hear SDR covering Man in Gray? I agree with Connyfoo- where, pray tell, do we find this recording?
definitely order DZUSA. that's one of my favorite discs (ok, collections of mp3s in itunes, but it came from the cd!). but yeah, getting it with "Fort Useless" will make for a bigger package from SBR HQ. always a treat.
haha, oh I could just send you the link, but it's fun to keep you guessing . it's really quite a ride through a bunch of musical genres that you wouldn't even expect. the funny thing is that at that point MiG still hadn't properly recorded the song, so me and Tina made a halfassed Garageband version of it to email A. so he could learn it.
there was just a picture of some nasty belly button lint on tv. eww.
Also, two SECRET DAKOTA RING t-shirts are on the way. One is being designed by Worcester artist/musician/awesome guy Jacob Berendes and the other by Man In Gray's lovable bassist Jared Friedman. Stay tuned!
Mmmm Tempe, I love that one, but for different reasons Mostly for the fact that I LOVE the way he says "and there's somethin' that you got that I want" the 2nd time around...
well, you can't blame me when I only found the band in September, and became obsessed in October. I've done pretty well considering I've only been a fan for 4 months...
Badges are what you try to earn in boy/girl-scouting. The get sewn onto your sash or shirt or whatever.
Pins can be put anywhere, moved around, and they're kinda badges with safety pins attached on the back.
Hee hee hee hee. So true....
ISN'T IT????
I think it's one of those songs that I could listen to on repeat for the rest of my life and never get sick of it.
Anyone know what Fister and Willerby is?
I just thought that was damn nifty.
Bonus points if you have the mp3 of Secret Dakota Ring covering Man in Gray. That's the most recent track that he's put out there that I know of.
Bonus points if you have the mp3 of Secret Dakota Ring covering Man in Gray. That's the most recent track that he's put out there that I know of.
Ooh --- if you have it could you email to okgosongs@yahoo.com? Otherwise - where would you find that?
Bonus points if you have the mp3 of Secret Dakota Ring covering Man in Gray. That's the most recent track that he's put out there that I know of.
Yeah, I've been meaning to order DZUSA. I think I'm going to wait until the Unsacred Hearts record is released in April and buy them together.
Also, want to hear SDR covering Man in Gray? I agree with Connyfoo- where, pray tell, do we find this recording?
Also, want to hear SDR covering Man in Gray? I agree with Connyfoo- where, pray tell, do we find this recording?
definitely order DZUSA. that's one of my favorite discs (ok, collections of mp3s in itunes, but it came from the cd!). but yeah, getting it with "Fort Useless" will make for a bigger package from SBR HQ. always a treat.
haha, oh I could just send you the link, but it's fun to keep you guessing
there was just a picture of some nasty belly button lint on tv. eww.
^^??? Thanks for sharing.
Also, I'm lazy. I don't want to search.
Also, two SECRET DAKOTA RING t-shirts are on the way. One is being designed by Worcester artist/musician/awesome guy Jacob Berendes and the other by Man In Gray's lovable bassist Jared Friedman. Stay tuned!
Mostly for the fact that I LOVE the way he says "and there's somethin' that you got that I want" the 2nd time around...