Blargh!!! I accidentally sent my shirt through the wash today, and the red bled onto the white letters, so now some of them are pinkish.
I'm going to try to paint over them with white fabric paint, though...the velour won't be as nice, though...maybe I'll save this shirt and make another to actually wear around...*upset*
Ah! That sounds so fun. Can you post the pictures??
I shall do so in the near future. I have a bunch of pics from the last two concerts I went to, plus well over 150 pics from this concert, so I want to post them all at the same time.
"Or "I'm goin' get a bag of chips!!!" Which Damian yelled out in a faux-Brit accent at the concert and it was AWESOME. "
fo weal?
Fo weal. It was great.
I have a sound clip of it- it was the ONLY thing in my ENTIRE recording of Friday's concert that you can actually hear clearly. I would post it, but I don't know how to splice it out from the rest of the concert. But I know that it's 28:35 into the recording, so if you REALLY want me to upload it so you can hear those two seconds, I'll do it. (It's CRAPPY recording, btw.)
imtelling you all of us should make a thisrt that is just some huge boardie inside joke! so if we are ever at shows together we can be like OMG BOARDIE!!!!!!!!!!!
nehooo i made that suggestion agesd ago and it never materialized!
*currently making a "bald has never been this sexy" tshirt with tim on the front
imtelling you all of us should make a thisrt that is just some huge boardie inside joke! so if we are ever at shows together we can be like OMG BOARDIE!!!!!!!!!!! nehooo i made that suggestion agesd ago and it never materialized! IM BRINGING IT BACK PPL!
*currently making a "bald has never been this sexy" tshirt with tim on the front
YES! This needs to be done. Start coming up with ideas, people.
Andy, this is the link to download the concert recording. (It's a Megaupload link, YouSendIt was being a bitch.)
It's a REALLY FUCKING CRAPPY RECORDING. Lots of loud thumping, and that's about it. (Though if you listen to the bass, you can figure out which song they're playing.) If you fast forward to 28 minutes, 30 seconds, however, you will find the recording of Damian yelling, "I'm goin' get a bag of chips!!!"
The story behind it: Damian was telling us about how in the US, people will yell "Freebird!" at concerts, but apparently Lynyrd Skynyrd never happened in the UK (Andy? Confirm?), so they don't do it over there. But while they were over there a few weeks ago, there was this one guy in the front row at one of the concerts, totally rocking out like a nutter, and apparently, inbetween songs, he yells out full on, "I'M GOIN' GET A BAG OF CHIPS!!!" Which Damian imitated with quite a good faux-Brit accent, IMO.
If anybody knows how to splice up a file just to get that two-second sound clip, please let me know. Or do it for me. Whatever.
HEY! I just typed Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore. I didn't type Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, whom I adore. It just did it on its own. WHAT the hell?
You could always make him one for the next time you see him. I'd have kept the shirt, too, especially if he drew on it.
You could always make him one for the next time you see him. I'd have kept the shirt, too, especially if he drew on it.
He actually didn't draw on it for real, he just pretended to draw on it. But it still meant he was pointing his Sharpie at my chest a lot.
I'm going to try to paint over them with white fabric paint, though...the velour won't be as nice, though...maybe I'll save this shirt and make another to actually wear around...*upset*
Molest away...hehe!
I shall do so in the near future.
And OK Go sounds like WO
So Wobegon - Wo + OK GO = OK GObegon.
Damn. I thought it was clever.
it's not you, it's her.
i got it and i thought it was funny.
Sucks about the washing thing, I do stuff like that all the time and it drives me crazy.
Close up
Close up
I LOVE it!!!!!!!!
I really need one that says "Andy is dandy" or something.
Or "I'm goin' get a bag of chips!!!" Which Damian yelled out in a faux-Brit accent at the concert and it was AWESOME.
fo weal?
fo weal?
Chippppsss...I've figured it out. It's nearly impossible to say "Can me bum a fag off you, chap" without doing a snooty accent.
fo weal?
Fo weal. It was great.
I have a sound clip of it- it was the ONLY thing in my ENTIRE recording of Friday's concert that you can actually hear clearly. I would post it, but I don't know how to splice it out from the rest of the concert. But I know that it's 28:35 into the recording, so if you REALLY want me to upload it so you can hear those two seconds, I'll do it. (It's CRAPPY recording, btw.)
nehooo i made that suggestion agesd ago and it never materialized!
*currently making a "bald has never been this sexy" tshirt with tim on the front
nehooo i made that suggestion agesd ago and it never materialized!
*currently making a "bald has never been this sexy" tshirt with tim on the front
YES! This needs to be done. Start coming up with ideas, people.
Andy, this is the link to download the concert recording. (It's a Megaupload link, YouSendIt was being a bitch.)
It's a REALLY FUCKING CRAPPY RECORDING. Lots of loud thumping, and that's about it. (Though if you listen to the bass, you can figure out which song they're playing.) If you fast forward to 28 minutes, 30 seconds, however, you will find the recording of Damian yelling, "I'm goin' get a bag of chips!!!"
The story behind it:
Damian was telling us about how in the US, people will yell "Freebird!" at concerts, but apparently Lynyrd Skynyrd never happened in the UK (Andy? Confirm?), so they don't do it over there. But while they were over there a few weeks ago, there was this one guy in the front row at one of the concerts, totally rocking out like a nutter, and apparently, inbetween songs, he yells out full on, "I'M GOIN' GET A BAG OF CHIPS!!!" Which Damian imitated with quite a good faux-Brit accent, IMO.
If anybody knows how to splice up a file just to get that two-second sound clip, please let me know. Or do it for me. Whatever.