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My OK Go Collection

edited November -1 in OK Go


  • you sure have a lot of stuff.. but i have one problem... IT'S BLURRY mr. photographer tongue.gif
  • if the flash was on all the shiney stuff would be unseeable!

    id rather have blurry then "OMG IM BLINDED'D"
  • psht, you can do better!
  • pfft

    anyways in there is my super rare promo cds from the ok go!
  • Good lord. Congrats.
  • Where is it I can't see it I wanna' see it!!! *whine whine whine*
  • hehe i have more stuff than yooooooou tongue.gif

    I have a box full of OKGo goodness, inclduing a shoe which they all signed lol blink.gif
  • but youve seen them like a trillion times jen!

    i cant compare =p
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Feb 2 2006, 07:29 AM)

    Ooooh, ahhh, pretty, want.

    I have about half of that stuff. Actually, no, maybe a little less. I do have an uber-cool old skool OK Go poster of the shot of them on the lawn chairs. biggrin.gif
  • i want me a poster =(

    i think ive got all the cds apart from the jap one
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Feb 2 2006, 01:35 PM)
    i want me a poster =(

    i think ive got all the cds apart from the jap one

    I want me all those cds.

    It's actually a smallish poster, but it's cute. And I got it on eBay for $0.01!

    ('Course, shipping was $6.50, AND it took two months to get here, but still, that's not bad.)

    I really wanted to steal the tour poster from when they came here to Northampton last time, but it was posted inside of the NoHo Box Office, and the lady wouldn't let me have it. sad.gif
  • know the best way to stop ladys like that?


    and lots of it

    i wub my promo cds....and my signed million ways dance
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Feb 2 2006, 03:18 PM)
    know the best way to stop ladys like that?
    and lots of it
    i wub my promo cds....and my signed million ways dance


    Your promo cds are definitely sweet.

    I found another of the poster that I have on eBay, it's here. (Just be warned, these are the guys that took 2 months to get it to me. Buuuut, whenever I emailed them about it, they were really nice and tried to help me out. decide...)
  • best way to get things faster?

    BURN THERE HOUSE and or pets

    OOOO! that poster is the cover of my get over it cd!
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Feb 2 2006, 03:23 PM)
    OOOO! that poster is the cover of my get over it cd!

    I know. biggrin.gif

    There are two other posters up that I really want, but the shipping's kind of crazy for both of them and I don't want to spend a lot of money as I just shelled out well over $150 for textbooks yesterday.
  • holy fiddy for books?

    are they made of sex or sumthing?
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Feb 2 2006, 03:28 PM)
    holy fiddy for books?
    are they made of sex or sumthing?

    Hahaha, I wish.

    Actually, one of the classes I'm taking is about prostitutes in French lit., so I guess, in a way, those are made of sex...

    I just have a lot of books for this semester. And some of them I got for waaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper than I could have found at the book store, just to give you an idea of how much shit costs here at Smith.

    My roomie spendt $450 on books this semester.
  • holy crapage

    four fiddy for books?

    now they have to be made of gold and or sex to warrent that tag
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Feb 2 2006, 03:56 PM)
    holy crapage

    four fiddy for books?

    now they have to be made of gold and or sex to warrent that tag

    No, she just had to buy 19 of them for a single class, which is, I believe, "Contemporary Candian Drama." Which just makes it funnier/suck even more. (No offense to our resident Canadians or anything.)

    Damn. I really want the OK Go tour poster over at eBay, but I've already gotten the person's bid up to $5.75, and shipping is $4.90 and I really don't want to pay more than $11 for it...
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