I work at the local library and enjoy reaidng teen girl magazines because, frankly, they make me giggle. As I was leafing through the newest CosmoGirl ("371 ways to be HOT this spring!!!1!!1one!") and who is staring at me up through the pages of the celebrity style section but, our lovelies, Tim, Damian, Rusty, and Dan all decked out.
Turns out CosmoGirl admires their look. Go fig.
[But, then again, doesn't most everyone admire the complete class of the OK Go boys?]
huzza for the go boys
... i must now stalk/sluke around my campus store reading that magazine...
I love your signature, I love natalie dee's drawings! She has so many funny ones....
Just looked at this one today...
kinda really.
as for ok go being in cosmogirl... i shall have to check this out. is it like a whole page article on them sort of thing, or is it just a picture and a little blurb. either way, i must see it. hahaha
kinda really.
Yessssssss! I love waffles too! especially traveling ones... Natalie Dee makes me laugh I like her "dairy" journals...they're hilarious.
Ohh yeahhh you bet I love mutemath! I remember them from the earthsuit days too and got to meet Paul and Darren when they were on the Mae tour recently, it's a really exciting time for them. I saw them again on their 2nd tour. You should ck. out their shows! Great great shows!!! Paul's keytar playing included! You need to go NOW when they come to your area! I think Adam is working on his cd, I think the group is called Club of the Sons? Paul is helping them...yeah! once you listen to MuteMath you just can't stop! You should get their new cd!!!
huzza for the go boys
I feel like the entirety of CosmoGirl is just one big redundant oxymoron. But, yeah. Will be tracking CosmoGirl down.
Also, there's a "party page" in Feb.'s Jane magazine that features the guys...'cause they were at the party...go figure. Anyway, it's a bunch of smaller pics of them, including one of Damian holding up a large, poster-size version of that pic he took for Jane for the "Bare It All" issue. Umm, yeah. Can you say "awkward?" "Here! Hold up a naked poster of yourself for EVERYONE to see!"
Regardless, I want to know where my issue is, seeing as I have a subscription...