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OK Go on soccer am..

edited November -1 in OK Go
who knows...i missed it..

buut its on again monday so i shall fill yee all in


  • ok, so who woke up at 9am this morning in the states, like a dumb fool not thinking time change, thinking they would catch okgo's performance on the webcam?
    I know I did! yay! mellow.gif
  • QUOTE (oknow @ Feb 11 2006, 03:59 PM)
    ok, so who woke up at 9am this morning in the states, like a dumb fool not thinking time change, thinking they would catch okgo's performance on the webcam?
    I know I did! yay!  mellow.gif

    lol, oooops.

    Yeah, I missed it to.

    Also, all y'all UKers are getting a bunch of nifty "A Million Ways" singles! With a new song! And "This Will Be Our Year"! Not fair! Why do they get all the fun singles?!

    I'm thinking of buying them through Amazon UK...unless someone over there wants to buy them for me and I'll send you teh dollars... *puppy face*
  • This Will Be Our Year isnt new

    but the other song on there is!
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Feb 11 2006, 04:03 PM)
    This Will Be Our Year isnt new

    but the other song on there is!

    That's what I meant. There's "TWBOY" and another song which is new, and for which I can't remember the title.
  • Down For The Count
  • you know, you guys in the UK have some great radio stations like XFM London! Since I woke up at 9am and all, I had like some time to spare since I couldn't go back to sleep... I started listening to XFM London and they had some great songs and less commercials it seemed like...lots of indie bands that I like!
  • phil jupitas also rocks all kinds of greatness

    thats gonna be good
  • I'll be sure to ck that out too!
    so is anyone able to record the okgo radio station performances?
  • all radio stations on the BBC are arcived pretty much instantly

    so look out for the phill jupitas one on bbc6
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Feb 11 2006, 04:12 PM)
    all radio stations on the BBC are arcived pretty much instantly

    so look out for the phill jupitas one on bbc6


    (I need to stop saying that so much...)
  • take the T of and just let the WOOOOOOOO fly

    phill jupitas is a comedy god of mine, that show will rock
  • *UPDATE*

    i watched it just now, LOVES IT

    dami got in trouble for swearing on live tv...haha genious!

    oh how i love you guys
  • they talked about the footy match that they had bloged about

    how that they lernt the dance in 4 days and how it cost $24 and that $4 went on tapes and the rest in starbucks

    and that Rusty had only joined 3 weeks before and he didnt want to get fired so he said it was a great idea =p
  • $20 bucks on starbucks?! wait, that's pretty accurate considering that starbucks charges $4/cup o' joe. I'm going to one day open my own chargealot coffee chain. Then become a millionaire.

    Anyway, does soccer am have archived shows like the others? Was it just Tim and Damian? How come we never hear Dan or Andy?
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Feb 14 2006, 04:45 PM)
    and that Rusty had only joined 3 weeks before and he didnt want to get fired so he said it was a great idea =p

    OMG THAT'S SO GREAT!!! Poor Rusty!

    $20 bucks on starbucks?! wait, that's pretty accurate considering that starbucks charges $4/cup o' joe. I'm going to one day open my own chargealot coffee chain. Then become a millionaire.

    Anyway, does soccer am have archived shows like the others? Was it just Tim and Damian? How come we never hear Dan or Andy?

    I feel like the $20 on Starbuck's has more to do with Damian being a caffeine junky than Starbuck's being uber-pricey. But hey, that's me.

    Also, yes- Andy, do they have the show archived? Or were you nice and did you record it for us? And was it with all four of them? Becaue I adore Damian, but he's such a chatterbox, and I really want to hear Rusty and Dan.
  • it was the four, but only tim and dami was hilarious reinacting the chants at the footy games with tim beeping out dami for him

    i did tape it, and will attempt a poor quality vidioing of the tv screan with my digi cam latter its 2am atm

    also i might do the news feature they were on, so you can all hate the media with me
  • Did they do the chants that people wrote in the comment boxes on their blog?
  • i dont think so it was just the "fuck off wigan fuck off wigan" and "break his fucking legs"

    standord footy chants
  • hmmm someone should try and youtube it... haha.

    its probably too late for that now... oh well
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