Wow, I so did not know that. I don't know how this could be related to gifts to the guys, but Dan does awesome characatures and Tim writes plays and has actually had one produced.
I sense the world is ready for a play involving living roach broaches and muppets!
and Rufus' too... Yo! Sir Jorgie is slackin'....whuzz up Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore?! Where've u been for the past 2 weeks? Neverneverupdateland?
That so reminds me of something zoolander would say.....
Well, I didn't know about it until like 2 weeks ago when i interviewed him, so that's why i didn't go. But you live in flipping Chicago, you so should have gone.
I sense the world is ready for a play involving living roach broaches and muppets!
Oh! That is hillarious! Where did you come up with that phrase?
Yo! Sir Jorgie is slackin'....whuzz up Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore?! Where've u been for the past 2 weeks? Neverneverupdateland?
That so reminds me of something zoolander would say.....
Yeah, I remember that...but I don't recall why I didn't go see it when I had the chance...