In this Discussion

ITT we post about the lack of posting

edited November -1 in General Discussion
whats going on with the lack of posting going on these days?



  • well, dave hasn't been posting lately, which leaves me with no one to argue with, thus nothing to post...
  • true the lack of the posting fire machine has had a very big impact, board is just dead atm
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Mar 6 2006, 07:14 PM)
    true the lack of  the posting fire machine has had a very big impact, board is just dead atm

    I'm too busy to take a shit, yet alone post. Yet, I'm posting now...
  • QUOTE (Connyfoo @ Mar 6 2006, 04:03 PM)
    I'm too busy to take a shit, yet alone post. 

    Thanks for sharing....

    I compulsively check here about every two hours, because 1) I have no life, and 2) I compulsively check my email at least every two hours, so I figure, hey, I'm on the Internet already...

    But there's been a lacking of highly interesting conversation lately, so I haven't been posting a lot. Actually, maybe I have.

  • QUOTE (Connyfoo @ Mar 6 2006, 03:03 PM)
    I'm too busy to take a shit, yet alone post.  Yet, I'm posting now...

    hahahahahaha. That was amazing. hahahaha

    but I've been busy. I find myself posting less and less.
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Mar 6 2006, 02:13 PM)
    well, dave hasn't been posting lately, which leaves me with no one to argue with, thus nothing to post...

    shut up, devil woman. i post all the time!! constantly almost.
  • QUOTE (76 @ Mar 6 2006, 05:39 PM)
    shut up, devil woman. i post all the time!! constantly almost.

    this was your first post in two days... so, no, you don't post constantly... at least you haven't been recently...
  • ive been busy... yeah.. i hate senior year.
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Mar 6 2006, 07:37 PM)
    this was your first post in two days... so, no, you don't post constantly... at least you haven't been recently...

    devil woman, i've had enough of your sass mouth!! now make with the dinner...or lese me and da griz will be upset.
  • I know!

    I've been obsessing over the Strokes too much . . .


    and I'm just busy. Honestly.
  • QUOTE (Jaded @ Mar 6 2006, 10:24 PM)
    I've been obsessing over the Strokes too much . . .

    biggrin.gif cool.gif biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Mar 6 2006, 01:58 PM)
    whats going on with the lack of posting going on these days?
    besides being busy, it's killing me to not having internet at home...
  • Busy busy busy (male beauty pageant sponsering, prof meetings, honor society planning, piano juries, SCHOOL, my hair...)
  • i've busy saving the world, studying for organic chemstry and solving mysteries with a bunch of crime fighting teenagers and a talking dog. lol joking, but honestly i have been so busy with school its crazy

    btw 3 more days till i see the guys in houston. awwww im so excited!!!
  • i just had my organic chem exam... AKA I am offically undead..
  • QUOTE (Connyfoo @ Mar 7 2006, 12:45 AM)
    male beauty pageant sponsering

  • well im back at work now, just got back from my first day
  • I'm just boring.
  • its all the crappy game threads in general chat that bring about the points of no posting..everytime i come on all the new posts are the 4-6 game thread thust being useless...ive always hate games on message boards
  • just wanted to let everyone know im off to houston today and catching the ok go show tomorrow. eeeeekkkk im so excited. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
    i bought them ties i really hope they like them

    *ok enough rambling*

    ok bye im off to pack!
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