In this Discussion

Truth in Music



  • You know, in Utah it wouldn't be a problem, however, facebook doesn't allow palligomy.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 15 2006, 10:34 PM)
    You know, in Utah it wouldn't be a problem, however, facebook doesn't allow palligomy.

    Well, Facebook just sucks.

    Also, this has clearly turned into the "Karleigh and Katy thread."
  • Well, we are are pretty awesome, we should have a thread dedicated to us.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 16 2006, 01:52 PM)
    Well, we are are pretty awesome, we should have a thread dedicated to us.

    I wish Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore would come back so that we could have the dedication threads again. Those were fun.
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Apr 16 2006, 12:33 PM)
    I wish Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore would come back so that we could have the dedication threads again. Those were fun.

    This is the Truth in Music thread. But I say, lets have some truth about Karleigh and Katy. Come on, now. Dish the dirt. You girls now each other's darkest secrets, so it's time to share. Time for some mud-slinging. Ha, ha. I kid. You girls are the greatest. There are no dark secrets to dish out.
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 16 2006, 03:35 PM)
    This is the Truth in Music thread. But I say, lets have some truth about Karleigh and Katy. Come on, now. Dish the dirt. You girls now each other's darkest secrets, so it's time to share. Time for some mud-slinging. Ha, ha. I kid. You girls are the greatest. There are no dark secrets to dish out.

    There are no secrets because we talk to each other for like, three hours a day. There's really only so much you can tell a person.
  • Well, a dark secret I have? Hmm, this is a weird one that people always misunderstand: I'd rather spend a night alone in my room watching TV or something then go to a party.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 16 2006, 01:25 PM)
    Well, a dark secret I have? Hmm, this is a weird one that people always misunderstand: I'd rather spend a night alone in my room watching TV or something then go to a party.

    No, I understand totally. Sometimes it's way funner to be alone than to be with drunken friends. Some parties are just lame too. Toga parties sound real cool, but in actuality they are dull. I've been to one, and was so bored I almost fell asleep. The drinks were good and so were the snacks, but the music and the people were getting on my nerves. Anyway partying is not always what it's cracked up to be.

    My dark secret: I have a soft spot in my heart for short guys and geeky guys, but I would never marry a geek.
  • I think this is an excellent time to plug PostSecret.

    They update every Sunday. I've sent a bunch in, I'm so addicted.
  • Oh, I've heard of this website. Isn't it the place where All American Rejects got postcards to use for the music vid "Dirty Little Secret"?
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Apr 17 2006, 01:15 AM)
    I think this is an excellent time to plug PostSecret.

    They update every Sunday. I've sent a bunch in, I'm so addicted.

    SO. GOOD.

    I sat in Borders with the Post Secret book and just read it for hours. It was beautiful and honest and, frankly, amazing.
  • And tarnished its reputation? Yes. But the book is sososoo good.

    Yeah, that was in response to Krose. I wish I lived close enough to go to some of the travelling art exhibits where they display like a zillion never-before-seen postcards..
  • image
    I know that feeling....

    These remind me of the Dirty Little Secret music video by AAR.
  • Yeah, these are what they used for it.
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Apr 17 2006, 02:47 PM)
    Yeah, these are what they used for it.

    I thought they got fans to send them in, or am I just crazy?
  • Haha, yep, just crazy. Thet got permission from the Frank, who runs the site, and he gave them some that nobody's seen before to use as well as sort of famous ones.

    I accidently wrote "the Frank" and considered changing it, but, frankly (harhar!), that's way cooler than just Frank.
  • Hahahah, i think my favorite one in the video is, "I had gay sex at church camp 3 times!"
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 18 2006, 11:01 PM)
    "I had gay sex at church camp 3 times!"

    Who hasn't.
  • Well, I don't know about you Krose, but I had church sex at gay camp three times.
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Apr 19 2006, 01:24 PM)
    Well, I don't know about you Krose, but I had church sex at gay camp three times.

    Lololololol!!!! Mixtape, this post made me spurt in the middle of class as I tried to hold back my laughter!

    I hope one of those three times you experienced wasn't with one of my ex-husbands. Have I ever told you about my numerous ex-husbands? I try to marry up the food (I mean money) chain.
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